SPORTS Burn Bot - 10th March 2020

in #sportstalk4 years ago

This is an automated report from the SPORTS Burn Bot.

Today a total of 87086.667 SPORTS were burned by 19 different people.

Based on that the rewards for burning SPORTS are distributed as follows:

AccountBurned SPORTSShareRewardProfit/Loss
@kamilukompo166.000 SPORTS0.19%274.485 SPORTS108.485 SPORTS
@codziennik200.000 SPORTS0.22%330.705 SPORTS130.704 SPORTS
@babydaddybets241.000 SPORTS0.27%398.499 SPORTS157.499 SPORTS
@arthurroadrage382.000 SPORTS0.43%631.646 SPORTS249.645 SPORTS
@iamowomizz418.000 SPORTS0.47%691.173 SPORTS273.173 SPORTS
@brickinutty670.000 SPORTS0.76%1107.861 SPORTS437.861 SPORTS
@tolut839.000 SPORTS0.96%1387.307 SPORTS548.307 SPORTS
@arasiadekunle882.000 SPORTS1.01%1458.409 SPORTS576.409 SPORTS
@queennaomi926.000 SPORTS1.06%1531.164 SPORTS605.164 SPORTS
@elainestoke1142.000 SPORTS1.31%1888.325 SPORTS746.325 SPORTS
@sportingmev1591.000 SPORTS1.82%2630.758 SPORTS1039.757 SPORTS
@egbere1634.000 SPORTS1.87%2701.860 SPORTS1067.860 SPORTS
@akukobonda2056.000 SPORTS2.36%3399.647 SPORTS1343.647 SPORTS
@ratelmiodozer5000.000 SPORTS5.74%8267.626 SPORTS3267.626 SPORTS
@taskmanager8108.667 SPORTS9.31%13407.885 SPORTS5299.218 SPORTS
@brickmanbrad9751.270 SPORTS11.19%16123.970 SPORTS6372.699 SPORTS
@sparkesy439915.292 SPORTS11.38%16395.185 SPORTS6479.893 SPORTS
@tokengesture18164.438 SPORTS20.85%30035.356 SPORTS11870.918 SPORTS
@talesfrmthecrypt25000.000 SPORTS28.70%41338.130 SPORTS16338.129 SPORTS
TOTAL:87086.667 SPORTS143999.991 SPORTS56913.324 SPORTS

If you want to learn more about the SPORTS Burn Bot read the introduction post:

Burn to Earn! New Way to Earn SPORTS For Burning

Info: The total distributed amount can be smaller than the available 144,000 SPORTS because of the way rewards are rounded.