Spring Yardwork Season Arrived!

in #spring3 years ago

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March was a typical sloppy, muddy month with a quirky variety of weather, including snow, graupel, and rain. Meanwhile, the lingering snow from winter was still trying to melt away. Now there are only little bits of it left in the shade, as you can see in the photo above and the one below:


We had two days of ridiculous wind, one in January and another just a week ago. Both brought down dozens of little branches and twigs from the trees surrounding our yard. I picked up a large percentage of them today, and put them into the wheelbarrow.


I also began to rake the yard. We don't have a proper lawn, just some grass and weeds mixed together which my husband mows once or twice each summer. We don't water it, so it doesn't grow very much. Nevertheless, I sometimes feel the urge to do some raking. The larch needles accumulate in certain areas of the yard, and there is dead grass, plus the tinier twigs that I didn't pick up by hand. If I do a little bit each nice day, I will get done eventually, hopefully without completely wearing my senior-citizen self out.


I had no idea what graupel was! What a cool word. We get that here on the Washington coast, perhaps more than the rare snow. Enjoy that yard; I certainly miss getting out for yard work in the nice weather.

Somebody added that word to my vocabulary a while ago, and it comes in handy.

It sounds like you have plenty of things to keep you busy. Take it easy this weekend and Happy Easter!

Thanks, and same to you!

It was a very nice Easter ❤