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RE: A Discussion about SPS, Exchanges and Market Makers

in #sps4 months ago

ALmost had a visa card for SPS with unbanked a comnpany i was a start up investor in that ended up failing bc of the regulations in the US which caused them not to be able to operate anymore. They were actually on board with doing a white label with SPL and it would have been cool as there card had a DEFI aspect to it where RUNI could have been subsituted for there Banker NFT and used as collaterol just like the banker NFT was for LOCs if people wanted and SPS could have replaced the tiered staking which allowed you to get cash back from 1-6% depending on the stake which for unbanked was its unbanked token and to get 6% was like 1k of staked tokens so way better than the enormous amounts needed to get CB on CDC for its card. Coinbases card is what i use now but all the crypto must be in usdc to spend it which is a down fall as I would rather leave it in say BTC and borrow against a portion to avoid taxes and use additional cash flow to replenish it and never sell my portfolio that I accumulate. It was also a noncustodial wallet which was better than having things on a CEX. Having the noncustodial wallet was a key advantage of that card. It did work well also I tested it out for a while and the 6% cash back worked flawlessly as well as I was able to move crypto to it and store it in the noncustodial wallet until I wanted to spend it then it was converted to USDC when I swiped it and the cash back took care of any fees that were charged or slippage etc. To bad they died lol fuck the US govt my option to aquire shares was about to be able to be excersised at a 20X gain lol.

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