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RE: Establish an Exchange Fund to Pursue an SPS listing on Binance

in #spsproposal3 months ago

It's not about whether we pump or not. SPL needs a T1 exchange to reach a greater audience whether u think we're ready or not!

At the rate the team is going, they'll never be ready!

Look at the childish responses from azircon and gank... quit if we get listed? I say good riddance, less toxicity in the community. I see u feel the same? LMAO

We don't know the price, our bloody DAO manager hasn't spoken to any exchange representatives recently. It just shows where he stand, in addition to this proposal not even being DAO sponsored. He's suppose to be NEUTRAL, not just listen to people he think are whales or important!

We don't even have to talk about new players! Existing players are discouraged from investing more with their gains from elsewhere because SPL is falling behind other games and Dapps..FAST. No one is going to be interested in investing in a (mini) card game on a dead chain like HIVE! Why would a new player risk playing Splinterlands when other games are on Binance? Why would someone try Splinterlands when other games now have larger communities being on EVM compatible chains?

If you truly believe this game can 100x organically, whatever price now would be a drop in the bucket! Do u think SPL can afford a listing when it's ready when the market outgrows and other games/dapps outpace SPL? Any "HIGH" price now would probably be much HIGHER in a bull market.

I have never seen projects die after getting listed on Binance, only projects being delisted due to lack of development! Matt needs to seek funds from elsewhere and not just the DAO! Not funds from another card sale brought forward!


I agree with you Dave, thank you as always for your insight and effort towards making this a better game and better crypto project!