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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Solutions to Minimize Bot Farms

in #spsproposal6 months ago

I don't like using CP for this. Furthermore, this allows people with lots of cards like me to go into private deals with botfarms and we will both potentially earn more if this proposal actually stops other bots, thus essentially negating the point of this proposal again...

What I would much prefer to see is botters being required to OWN SPS per account they have. I see many bots renting SPS from me via xbot and although I earn a lot from it, it means most bots do NOT earn their current SPS and simply rent. Requiring botters to own SPS will either

  1. Make it less profitable for them thus shutting down bots OR
  2. Take out a large amount of SPS out of circulation since some botnets run 10k+ accounts

If this is passed, it would also be good to allow new players (as in new spellbook purchases) to forego this requirement for 100 days, basically allowing them to build up an SPS holding from the free 100 SPS delegation (if the current proposal passes).

I think a fair requirement is 100 SPS owned per account minimum to start earning rewards, regardless of their SPS delegations, a new player should be able to earn 1 SPS per day on average right? I'm actually not sure...

And in the future if we have 30 million players we can reduce this requirement (since there won't be enough SPS to go around), but these are good problems to have!


i'm a bit surprised about this. because you suggested that i include the delegation there...
and the model with sps i have done several counter calculations. the result is a much worse ratio between effectiveness/and side effects on legitimate players and investors. so not really effective!!

apart from the fact that i don't think many whales would get involved in such dubious deals. let's do the math. you could feed 1070 bronze accounts with your cards. but with your proposed sps option you could feed 98140 accounts.

to achieve a similarly effective result, you would have to go so high with the sps requirements that the hurdles for players would be far too high and the game would very likely not survive this.