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RE: Revamp Market Fees to Include 2% DAO Royalty

in #spsproposallast year

I totally support the idea of splitting the market fees. Numbers can be tuned a little bit if needed, but overall I believe this is good for the ecosystem as a whole.
I've seen other suggesting to stick to 5% (with 1% to the DAO) and that's a viable solution from my point of view as it does not impact the sellers.

Only issue I see in the short term is the very large amount of existing cards on the markets (sales, rentals and assets). Everything that is already listed when this change is implemented will result in a lower fee (2% compared to ~5%) for 3rd party marketplace.
This is a direct result of point 4, as right now there is no marketplace associated with a market listing.

That said I like this proposal and even thought there are drawbacks for us in the short term it will be a win for the ecosystem in the long run 👍