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RE: Establish an Exchange Fund to Pursue an SPS listing on Binance

in #spsproposal3 months ago (edited)

I live in Houston Texas. Binance is illegal here, however I can still sell all my assets by other means. Not saying I will do it.

Point is listing at what cost? 2M ? 3?

That is selling SPS DAO holds at market. What if market doesn't have the appetite to absorb it? What kind of investment decision is that?

Again getting back to "investing". I have done more investing than most professional money managers do in their entire life, so when you say investment side of the game I say, it is not our job. I like Splinterland company to do some good investment decisions.


1st I miss you in discord <3
2nd Go Houston Texas <3
3rd Respectfully we cant have it both ways where we(the sps holders) control the game(like the bot ban in modern) but then expect an already cash strapped company to shell out 2 mil for a listing.

Also we all know SPL is a top 200 project EASY. We have far better devs and community members than most of the top 200 so whats stopping us? Well all but a handful are on those 2 major exchanges... If you add KuCoin I couldnt find a single top 200 project that wasnt on 1 of the 3.

Thank you for the kind words. I am always here and always watching. It's not that easy to get rid of me ;)

That said, I don't think game makers, SL company can afford the $2M for listing today or in 6 months. That's my point.

But if you or others think DAO can afford it, you would be right. However, I am a practical guy, I know who the stakeholders are and how will they vote. I am telling you this doesn't have the votes to pass