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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Restrict Gladiator Cards Below Silver League

in #spsproposal5 months ago

When you refer to "Silver League play" are you only talking about Wild Ranked and Modern Ranked? Or will parts of this proposal affect tournaments (Novice/Bronze tournaments) or brawls (Novice/Bronze frays)?

So in a Novice level brawl fray, the reward summoners won't have Conscript and you won't see "Are you Not Entertained" (even though you can still use 1 gladiator because it is a brawl)?


Right, essentially we asked what the easiest approach for getting the team to implement this change was. Went back and forth a bit and ended up on restricting Conscript and the rulesets until Silver level. For posterity I'm voting no on this. I've heard the concerns and seen the debates... I don't really know what the solution is here but I am not convinced this is it.