SPS Governance Proposal - Community Proposals Guidelines

in #spsproposal5 months ago

Community Proposal #14

The purpose of this proposal is to address one of the biggest concerns and criticisms I've received about our proposal process since becoming the DAO Project Manager. Currently many players are unaware of how to participate in the preproposal process entirely and many feel that they are not able to participate in the Community Proposal process. I suggest a change in how we are handling preproposals and I will outline my suggested requirements for the Community Proposal process going forward.

We would like for the Splinterlands team to make use of the "Upcoming" section of the Proposal tab to alert users when a new Preproposal has been created. To prevent annoyance for those that do not wish to participate, it is also recommended to add the ability to turn on and off notifications for Proposals as has been requested by many players in the past.

Getting more visibility should encourage additional participation in SPS Governance as well as allow users to visibly track how much stake is in support of an idea. Stake weight is what will ultimately decide any decisions the DAO makes, so it's important to let it speak loud and early. This ties in to my suggestion on how to clearly define the Community Proposal process below.

Community Proposals were never meant to be for small groups of players to push an agenda and bypass the DEC burn. I've done my best to redefine the guidelines and make do with the temporary Discord suggestion forums several times, but it is clear that they have outlived their usefulness and are arguably doing more harm than good.

If this proposal passes, the guidelines for creating a Community proposal will be as follows: A player can share a well formulated draft of the proposal they would like to discuss publicly and tag the current DAO Project Manager (clayboyn) or message them directly. They will review the draft to determine if it is something within the scope of the DAO and if it is an actual proposal.

Any drafts submitted for review will need to be directly related to the DAO and the SPS token. For example, how we are distributing inflation, how we are managing tournaments and their related guidelines, management of the DAO treasury and similar related issues at the DAO Project Managers discretion.

The purpose of Community Proposals is not for UI requests or changing Splinterlands gameplay and design decisions nor are they for running personal agendas and random ideas through the DAO. Some would argue that is not the purpose of the DAO at all. If you'd like to submit a proposal for something along those lines, you will need to burn the 100,000 DEC and do it yourself.

Some of this will ultimately be a bit subjective and I'll have to use my best judgement on whether or not a draft meets the criteria for a Community Proposal. The original purpose behind them was for me to be able to run Proposals that I needed to be able to do my job, like asking for funding for a Market Maker or asking for funding for an exchange listing or gauging interest in a partnership request, expanding beyond that should be clearly structured and hopefully this proposal does that.

Going forward, if a draft meets the criteria above, I will submit it for preproposal to allow for a stake weighted show of support as well as allow for community discussion on how to refine it. The burden of proof for a Community Proposal will be higher than normal proposals and require at least 10% of staked SPS voting in favor and having at least 2/3rds positive sentiment to advance to a full vote after the 7 day voting period.

Community Proposals in the Preproposal stage should be treated like polls on whether or not the DAO feels an issue is important enough to bring to a vote and also wants to pay for it. That said as this is likely to encourage more polling, the DAO will no longer pay for Community Proposals unless they make it past this stage and go to a full vote.

This should alleviate the concerns that the DAO is wasting it's DEC running too many proposals, remove as much of my personal bias as possible as I'll simply be judging the drafts based on whether or not they meet the criteria above, and then letting stake decide if there's enough support for the DAO to pay for and run the draft as a full Proposal.

I know this has been a long read and if you're still with me thanks for your time and consideration. My goal is to be of service to the SPS DAO and it's participants. The way we have been handling Community Proposals was flawed and always meant to be a temporary solution until we got a better system in place. These are my suggestions on how we can improve and if ratified by a DAO vote, how I will proceed with Community Proposals going forward.


"The burden of proof for a Community Proposal will be higher than normal proposals and require at least 10% of staked SPS voting in favor and having at least 2/3rds positive sentiment to advance to a full vote after the 7 day voting period."

For me the 10% is too high !

I mean 10% of the voting staked-SPS is fine, but when I see that in the last finished proposal 221.210.628 staked SPS took part what is less than 30% of the totally staked-SPS from (744,252,423) than this 10% means

33,6% of voting staked SPS.

I don't think that you really should need more than one third of the really voting staked SPS for this.

Use a running average of the the total votes for the last 10 proposals and then raise the percentage to 20-25%. So if the last 10 proposals averaged 220M total votes then you'd need 44-55M to "pass" the pre-proposal stage.

I would definitely agree with this as it would be much less than the requirement of the proposal, tbh I have not checked the last 10 proposals but from the last successfzll proposal (to the time I wrote this) it was 33,6% as I wrote above.

So I voted "NO" with the running proposal and I will be curious if we get in the future any proposal to the main phase with this guidelines ... we will see ...

For me 10% is too low!

What do you say to that?

It's your word against mine, right? Who wins?

Thank you for your oppinion.
You understand that 10% is for me absolutely fine if taken from the voting SPS but when it is taken from the staked SPS it would be (with the last passed proposal) 33,6% so more than one third.

What is your oppinion and from what basis it should be calculated ?

  • The staked SPS who really take part in voting.
  • All staked SPS what probably also contains SPS in account who doesn't login for some monthes.

For me the question is not who win and who loose but maybe we can find an acceptable compromise and have no looser but we are maybe two winner ... would this be possible or at least imaginable ?

You're asking him to compromise and also to not insert himself squarely into the conversation and centered around him? Best of luck my friend.

Yes, I don't like the game "who is the winner and who is the loser" and as you can see we are all losers now when it comes to tournaments because some people really wanted to come out as winners and showed no willingness to compromise.

Exceptional! thanks 👍

When I see that in the last finished proposal 221.210.628 staked SPS took part what is less than 30% of the totally staked-SPS from (744,252,423) than this 10% means 33,6% of the voting staked SPS.

We will see but I guess that with this 10% we won't get any proposal over the pre-proposal stage.

What i like with this is it turns off the 'noise' in discord and all the talking /listening is done with SPS stake.

I,m sure if changes need to be made on vote %, in time it will.

Yes I completely agree with you, about the noise in discord.
But IMO this can be managed, I mention some possible solutions where one would be the slow mode.
How it runs in the moment that a lot of people do private discussions or even speak about off-topics it can not stay.
When I see that the actual discussion about tournaments changes have 1984 replies and this is the second thread - the first had also 1431 replies - who should read this over 3400 comments, I am sure nobody has done and the discussion about unlock the soulbound-reward-cards has even 3973 comments what is more than the two tournament posts together.

I think really that slow-mode should be tried out, so the people would think more what they write when they know that after this comment they can write the next only in 2 hours.

So in every case the system need to be changed without any question, I am just in doubt that this high amount of SPS-staking will allow any proposal to come to the really voting, but we will see.

This post has been supported by @Splinterboost with a 12% upvote! Delagate HP to Splinterboost to Earn Daily HIVE rewards for supporting the @Splinterlands community!

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Yes i feel like we have been burning DAO funds without much DAO involvement, so for this, but it's about time we get out a proposal on fixing the ratings system.

Everybody - also you - can burn DEC from his own wallet and submit a proposal directly without the DAO.

Hey @schachoberhessen, here is a little bit of BEER from @udow for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .

Thank you for participating in SPS DAO Governance @clayboyn!
You can place or monitor SPS Stake Weighted votes for and against this proposal at the link below:
Link to this Pre-Proposal

Updated At: 2024-01-08 04:23 UTC


This wasn't a problem I had even considered all that much, thank you for outlining it and bringing it to our attention. As long as we get the tournaments fixed, I don't care what system we use, to be honest! As long as whatever you think is best agrees with what Azircon thinks is best, then I'm all for it!

What is the problem with the tournaments? I'm sorry because I don't join them since I think it was unfair to fight against max level gold cards when my cards are only a few levels up.

I'm just curious of if there was other problems.

I think this great. I wish I had been more involved in the preproposal process up till now so I know for myself with making it more streamlined it will help me be more involved.

I like that idea, i've got some ideas that I think would be quite interesting but no idea where or how to suggest it

This is an excellent idea and I definitely like the Noties On/Off - plus the "Upcoming" tab would make it easy to see which ones a preproposals and allow more people to see them

I haven't even looked much in the ComProp tab of discord tbh

Sounds good to me

Hell Yeah Brother!


The constant notifications that keep coming up are annoying and not just for proposals but it's not something we should have had to do a proposal for.

I think part of the issue is a UI/UX issue... if they simply had the ability to REMEMBER the user interactions on a notification instead of popping it up every single time you refresh or come back in. Also the notifications are too generic... say proposal 56 is up for a vote and if they hit a button that says don't remind me again it won't pop up again for the next 7 days. This is not something that needs a proposal it just needs a little bit of work this is something on our sites (peakd/peakmonsters) would take like 10 minutes of work maybe it's more complicated the way they have it developed but it shouldn't be a big deal.

Also should apply to brawl notifications they should be smarter... if i've already played my matches why the heck is it notifying me about helping my brawl when i log back in. Notifications in general need to get smarter.

Yea the proposal isn't really about that, that's just a suggestion I'm making with the proposal to help mitigate the issue. It's definitely not exclusive to proposals either lol. It should be just be fixed and shouldn't need a proposal.

When the pop up tabs were implemented, did they pass a proposal to do that? I'm sorry. Either I don't remember or I don't know proposals existed at that time.

No, some of this proposal is me making suggestions based on feedback from the community of how to better present the info.

dude. no. you don't get to be the sole arbiter of what makes it to the proposal stage. if someone wants to spend 100k DEC to put a suggestion out, you shouldn't be able to stop it. that defeats the purpose of a "community" based ecosystem. Also, why are you trying to limit proposals to just DAO or SPS related topics. what if someone wants to make a proposal that you don't get to do this task anymore? you can just shut it down now. pretty dictatorial position don't you think?

I'm pretty sure you didn't read it properly, if someone wants to put forward a proposal and burn 100k DEC then they can, they always will be able to.
Claymore just decided what proposals the DAO pays for and proposes as it uses the DAOs DEC, and proposals the DAO propose should be just related to DAO things. That's why he says there are certain things a proposal should be able, because it's solely about the DAO.
I quote from the above "If you'd like to submit a proposal for something along those lines, you will need to burn the 100,000 DEC and do it yourself."

I'm pretty sure I've seen proposals from other people not just from clayboyn. So, that means he's not gatekeeping the proposals. He's only managing the DAO side, in which, is his job in the first place.

Asking him not to be the arbiter of what DAO does is like asking the spokesperson to not speak for the president. That's part of his job. If your idea though is anyone can pass proposal through DAO without anyone checking for it, then it would be a resource waste because I'm pretty sure a lot of people would be passing proposals for their own benefits, which defeats the purpose of the proposals used for the benefits of the most.

TLDR, the proposals coming from DAO are mostly requests from people that the DAO find interesting.

If you think that it's dictatorial position and unfair, then you can gather 100k DEC (I suggest finding a group or sponsor of some sort) then once funded, you can submit to change what Clayboyn was assigned to, or even change DAO itself. I do think that's possible IF the communty agrees.

@clayboyn appreciation post, loving the effort you are putting in for this community! I will continue to be very excited for Splinterlands if you were to keep it up all year 👍

"purpose of Community Proposals is not for UI requests"

Since the Proposals are very important part of the system, why not put it outside where you can instantly access it. There's a Help tab but I never used it like ever. Do the proposal like that instead of putting it alongside DEC/SPS as if the devs are trying to hide it from their players.

Just a suggestion. You can create new tab, link that to the current one we're using. If I do it in Powerpoint, if the battle screen is just the home page, I just add another one that says, "proposals" then hyperlink it. The hardest part probably is making of the icon itself.

I'm not a programmer and I may be mistaken but I don't think that's hard to do.

I agree it could be much more intuitive. I'll share your feedback with the team.

The purpose of Community Proposals is not for UI requests or changing Splinterlands gameplay and design decisions nor are they for running personal agendas and random ideas through the DAO. Some would argue that is not the purpose of the DAO at all. If you'd like to submit a proposal for something along those lines, you will need to burn the 100,000 DEC and do it yourself.

"Otherwice you can JUST wrote the ticket to the Support (system) support.splinterlands.com"

Isn't it?

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