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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Hire Clayboyn as DAO Community and Project Manager

I think this is a pretty good proposal, except for one thing. $60k is WAY too much. Clayboyn currently lives in Thailand where $12k is a reasonable wage for a skilled worker.
To put it in perspective, a skilled, English speaking, software developer from Thailand makes an average wage of $15,600. So we could hire 3 or 4 developers for the same price tag.
I could maybe see $25k or $30k since Clayboyn has experience that makes him uniquely qualified for the position. But $60k feels like a lot of money for this job.

The Splinterlands company is currently making cuts and trimming down to a sustainable size. We as the DAO should learn from their mistakes and start by budgeting conservatively and carefully so we don't end up in the same position.


I had no idea he was Thailand based. That alleviates some of my primary issues of him being a US contractor subjecting the DAO to US tax law.

You can hire an entire cyber mafia clan for 60k in Thailand,
why would just more massive misappropriation of funds & founder nepotism alleviate your fears?

I agree with this.
Clayboyn is a cool guy, and, hey, congrats on the gig... but the price tag of $60k is way too high for this. $30k or $40k OK! You got my vote

Yeah, price tag is too high. Also, people are saying he's in Thailand so no US tax law involved. If he's an american citizen is what's important...