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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Require DEC Burn for Soulbound Cards to be Used on Land

in #spsproposallast year

I have 192k CP in soulbound rewards, you want me to pay almost 400$ to use something I already earned... just on land... How many kidneys do yall want so I can sell/trade them? I thought web 3 was supposed to be different and I thought projects rewarded folks for sticking with them through the bear market but yall just want to turn us up by our ankles and shake us for loose change. Just exclude them from land if this is how you are going to do it


Also while I do have the tone of an asshole (sorry cant really be helped) I do love and trust yall very much so please dont take this as me being angry with yall as people, just the situation.

I don't think web 3 is supposed to be different in terms of how much things cost. I think its different in terms of where the money goes when you spend it.

Well my point in saying "I thought web3 was supposed to be different" was more about being able to sell things earned in a game vs how it is in most web 2 games like Fortnite where you cant sell anything you earn... Thats what I mean, ownership implies choice and we have no choices with soulbound cards.