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RE: Revamp Market Fees to Include 2% DAO Royalty

I also like the idea of some part of the fee going to DAO, but I'm opposed to increasing the fee from 5% to 6%. I believe it should be done from the existing fees. As @yabapmatt mentioned, splinter lands would be taking a 1% loss, and they are comfortable with it.

I propose keeping it at 5% and Break should be 2% SL, 2% Market, and 1% DAO.

Reasons why advocating for 5% (Lower fee than others):

  • Better User Experience - 5% is a round number and easy to calculate and comprehend from a user's perspective.
  • Increasing fees may impact markets short term and cause third parties less revenue.
  • Any Increase should be a separate proposal backed by data and how it impacts the market and economy. This proposal should focus on Breaking the 5% and getting some share for DAO in it.

Great idea and this is what brings value to the system!! Kudos to @cryptoeater and the Community!!


Thank you for taking the time to write up your opinion @khan.dayyanz!

The philosophy of this 6% fee is that everyone loses a little for the greater good. Markets take a 1% hit, sellers take a 1% hit and buybacks are slightly reduced. If it remained at a 5% fee, only marketplaces and buyers will be affected but not sellers.

We have also consulted with @jarvie who advised Peakmonsters would not support a 5% under this proposal. Since they are a major provider of tools to the ecosystem, I would personally like to make sure they approve of anything I propose.

Edit: Jarvie has said he would support 5% as well in the past, but has recently updated that sentiment

I said that we might as well stay at how it has always been if sellers are unwilling to budge for the greater good as the markets are willing. Even 5.5% would be fine. And just fyi staying at how things have always been isn't terrible to us. But taking more DEC out of circulation is the point. Staying at 5% doesn't really do much of that so might as well not have a proposal at all.

@jarvie , while yes, loading the DAO with DEC puts the DEC to rest, it does not take it out of circulation.

Shouldn't the proposal be to burn the DEC instead of giving it to the DAO, if removing the DEC from circulation is the goal?

What can the DAO do with the DEC that keeps it out of circulation and won't flood the market with DEC when the DAO wishes to use it?

Thank you and I appreciate your comments. In the end everyone have different ideas and opinions. I'm fine the direction if the community votes for it and this get's live. My vote would stay negative, as these changes look small but they always have a long-term impact on how markets and user behave. Hoping that all goes well. Thanks again.