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RE: Revamp Market Fees to Include 2% DAO Royalty

As an owner of I would like to share my opinion.

I'm afraid that such changes will hit small markets the most.
DAO, Peakmonster, and Splinterlands are founded from other sources. For the rest markets, this 5% fee is all we get, yet we share most of this fee with our customers.

From the point of view of a small new market, it is really hard to compete with existing big players. Running the environment (without big traffic for now) costs me about $60 per month, not to mention my work. So the proposition to cut my only revenue from running the market by 30% and donating DAO instead is unacceptable to me.


I believe you are underestimating how much you'd lose. Because you'd be unable to keep the cashback so high when you only receive 3.5%, it would mean there was less incentive to use your application and you'd also lose costumers, not just the fee.

This proposition hurts (or even outright kills) small markets while also hurting everyone that sells cards by 1% which IMO seems uncalled for. 1% for the DAO would already achieve a similar result without hurting every single user that sells for no reason. We can't just keep making the process of selling cards more expensive/annoying all the time just to reach PEG. If there aren't enough means to burn DEC it should be considered a product issue/priority, not something the users/third parties pay for.

The same way the proposition states that it is not fair for the third party markets to pay the whole fee, I also don't feel it's fair for the users to donate an extra 1%? To be honest that whole answer is not satisfying enough for me since the end result is mainly "we want 2% for the DAO, not 1%" and the markets were thrown in the answer just as dust to not seem as bad. They are still losing the same amount, what matters in the end is how much they get from the fee, I don't feel like they care that much to "share the pain" with the users and both give 1% each to the DAO since their end result is still only getting 3.5% anyway, independently on the users paying an extra 1% or not.

Just to not sound as bad, I believe this proposal comes with a good intention, I'm just someone that uses the market a lot and I don't see any reason why I should vote yes in a proposal that will make me not only lose an extra 1% on direct fees, but also a few more % in cashbacks.

Hi there, I appreciate you taking the time to write this comment and I sympathize with your situation. This proposal was originally 2% to the listing frontend, 2% to the buying frontend and 2% to the DAO and was passing at a 73% rate. However, taking feedback from existing markets into consideration, I have since updated the proposal to its current iteration.

In terms of competing, this change will affect all markets, so if you have a new product/service your marketplace can provide that others do not, a change in market conditions is the perfect chance to start gaining a higher market share.

Lastly, laws and regulation in the real world change all the time. The goal is usually to improve the status quo for all, but any change may have negative impacts to specific citizens and/or businesses. To be successful, we need to adapt to these changes to position ourselves favorably. We cannot simply avoid change that impacts anyone negatively, as that will simply make us stagnate as an ecosystem.

The main question for me is why DAO needs its share of the market fee?
DAO is already founded by SPS, a market listing fee. Why DAO needs 2% or 1% and not 0.1% for example?
There are other ways that we can tend to DEC peg prices than increasing fees for users and cutting 3rd party market revenue.

You are right that those changes affect all markets, but not all markets are in the same spot. Peakmonster for example gets funds from DHF, you are also a part of a much more ecosystem so you have more possibilities to outstand some hard times. Some markets are listed on Splinterlands, and some others are not. My market is made entirely by me in my free time, so I have a really low upkeep cost - but for now, I still donate my private money to this project 😆

I am not against changes. Actually, I found that pretty odd that only "the buy market" gets fee when I dived into Splinterlands' under-the-hood world. But I think such changes should be introduced gradually.
I just do not like the idea of cutting off the market's revenue by 30% increasing the market fee for users at the same time.