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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Extend Project Manager Contract for Clayboyn

in #spsproposallast month (edited)

Clay, speaking for myself only, I think you've done a great job and I think this role is needed for the DAO.

If I'm thinking critically as a "hiring manager": these are the questions that I'd think might warrant more detail before it goes to final proposal:

  1. The expectation of personal time makes sense - do you have more thoughts to expand on backup or coverage expectations? 2 weeks of no Clay could feel like a long time

  2. Also it looks like you prefer to "own the option" to choose any currency of payment at each monthly period, including ETH. I'd suggest perhaps to outline the currency schedule in advance, and if unavailable then your choice at that time?

  3. Perhaps for completeness, since you are referencing a contract, would it be prudent to link to a "sufficiently redacted" version of your existing contract just so that we know what we are extending? And perhaps if there are any nagging recurring issues about something that is/isn't part of your role then it can be addressed as part of the approval.

  1. One of the things I'm hoping to accomplish with setting up a Chair is to add some redundancy to my position over time. Not so much someone to do work or anything, but an additional point of contact. That said, even if I am on vacation I'll be checking in (most likely daily) for sure.

  2. My thoughts were more around the idea of making things as flexible as possible for the DAO honestly. If we are low on stables or they get earmarked for a different proposal, it would be simple enough for me to get paid in ETH. I don't want to be paid in DEC or SPS as that would add sell pressure to the market, not that I have any problem with being paid in those tokens if it came to it.

  3. I suppose I'm using the term 'contract' a bit loosely. There was a previous proposal to hire me, which is what I'm referencing. This is it.