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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Expand Market Making Contract with Flowdesk

in #spsproposal11 months ago (edited)




I have significant legal concerns regarding the DAO proposal that passed, mentioned in this proposal, regarding an exchange listing.

When the DAO hired Clayboyn, it was to become an organizer and voice for the DAO, because legally speaking, Clayboyn could not become part of the DAO or an extension of the DAO.

The reason for this, is that if Clayboyn starts to act on behalf of the DAO in ways that a DAO does not operate, such as negotiate on behalf of the DAO and pursuing the execution of deals, with the DAO's money, that are not recorded on the blockchain in a trustless way and/or not disclosed to the DAO because of NDA's,the DAO is no longer a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, and both Clayboyn and the DAO funds can become the target of the SEC (Securities Exchange Commission) and/or the target of civil lawsuits brought by individual SPS token holders.


As one of the first functioning gaming DAO's we should take great care and responsibility of not putting our DAO, and anyone who organizes on it's behalf, in significant legal jeopardy.


I have my own concerns with the previous proposal, which is why I made this one with clear terms and an offer from a company that is fine both working with a DAO and being publicly transparent about their terms. Does this particular proposal seem transparent enough? I didn't make the other proposal and don't plan to start operating recklessly.

This one is much more transparent and straight forward, as for 'transparent enough', I would have to research more and understand how the payments would be made. i.e. direct from the DAO to the MM in a blockchain transaction, or through you or Matt etc.

This proposal also states that it is aiming to fix the most glaring issue with the previous proposal, which implies that if this were to pass, it would be more likely then not, moving forward or attempting to move forward. My understanding of the law would make moving forward with the previous proposal, even with this proposal passing, impossible without seriously exposing yourself and the DAO to potentially significant lawsuits.

I think it would also be beneficial for you personally to look into how some of the existing finance DAOs operate in regard to deals/partnerships/payments etc.
I will also be looking into how they operate to understand what the understood standard operating procedures are for DAOs.

I share your concerns about our D(A)O's situation and would welcome greater clarity and transparency.

Did the removal of the rewards widen the spread at all on the main pairs on he?