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RE: Revamp Market Fees to Include 2% DAO Royalty

in #spsproposallast year

FWIW, I think this would be a good change to the system. I think it makes sense to split the fee between both the listing and buying side of the market and as I have said many times I think that taking DEC out of circulation is one of the most important things we can do, so sending 2% of market transactions to the DAO is a great way to both get DEC effectively out of circulation on a regular basis and generate a new regular income stream for the DAO.

From the Splinterlands company standpoint, anything that can help to achieve the goal of stable-valued DEC is far, far more valuable than the very small potential loss of revenue from the 1% decrease in market fees we would get (which might be offset by some of the fees going to the listing market anyway).