Treasurer Application - breakingbenjamin

I am breakingbenjamin (AKA Joseph John), Narrative Lead for the Splinterlands Team. I hope you consider me for a treasurer position. Why?

  • I love Splinterlands... not only playing it on a daily basis, but writing lore, website copy, creating concepts for new cards, helping to build-out new features and designs, etc.
  • I was an officer in the US Army and dedicated 23 years of my life in service to others; I'd like to continue my service to the Splinterlands community.
  • I am responsible and responsive.
  • I have a significant stake in Splinterlands (over 1 million SPS, a tract of land, ~$30K in cards, 3 validator nodes).
  • I am financial independent, having made most of my wealth through real estate, the stock market, and crypto; the US government also pays me six figures a year in retirement/disability (two decades of Armying puts a lot of stress on the body!).

Read my bio here:

My HIVE wallet is breakingbenjamin.
My EVM wallet is 0xc6A850f144b3BBA9793788c3eEeE146Aba23FD97.
I will sign all passed DAO proposals.

I look forward to continue to make Splinterlands an awesome game, whether I have your vote or not. Thanks!



Awesome JJF! Glad you entered this, I was hoping you did!!!

You got my vote!

All the best!! Got my vote!

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