Whale Power - How I Earned My Stakes In Steem Projects And Communities

in #spt5 years ago (edited)


I am a multiple Whale and Orca on the Steem blockchain! It is super weird to wrap my head around it, but without investment, I became a super influential person on this beautful blockchain. Thanks to dilligence, quality work and Steem Engine and the multiple cool projects out there. Here is how.


Steem has inspired me like nothing else in my life. People who know me better or follow my Steem blog for longer time, know that I am easily getting excited and then I surround myself with that entirely, make it part of my own and then live and breath that every day - until the excitement is over and I find something else, to continue the cycle anew.

I had many of these phases in my life but few stuck with me for longer. First TV Series, Movies, Music - the usual societal propaganda programing, that most teens are falling for (nothing has changed ever since). My love for that has been diminished these days but it was a strong obsession of mine. I believe these things are designed in a way to occupy our attention as much as possible. Breaking free from that is like giving up smoking. It's not easy.

Then video games, which have become heavily abused as well these days as means of propaganda and brain-washing. Games had the greatest impact on my life and have defined my entire path like nothing else. I still love them but don't have time to play them. Oh, wait a second - I DO! I earn my rent with playing @Splinterlands, while the value of my cards grows every day, the more the game progresses. I just don't have time to play all the other games anymore, because they are not on Steem and pay me to play.

Early in life, computers became another obsession of mine. This never changed, although I don't pay attention to technology news anymore - AT ALL. My laptop is top notch and hopefully runs for the next couple of years. Later in life, the internet became another obsession, connecting perfectly with my computer affinity. This was yet another symbiosis that stuck for life and I cannot imagine it ever going away again. Please don't shut off, internet!

There were many more things that became part of my life and shared with passion to other people. But when I look back now, there wasn't a single thing ever that stuck out as much as the Steem blockchain and being a part of this huge movement, that is silently changing the world. I value all the various assets here, like Steem itself. Even though its price is low, we all need it for ressource credits, to continue participating in the Steem ecosystem - and that is where the true value sits.

Like the @Splinterlands game with the cards and Dark Energy Crystals or the @NextColony ships and planets, which are all running as second level non-fungible tokens on the Steem blockchain. Gaming is already one huge motor of Steem and our place here would look very different without the innovation that Splinterlands and its off-springs KeyChain and Steem-Engine are giving the entire ecosystem. There is no doubt that it is a massive revolution to Steem, Crypto Gaming in specific but also the entire Gaming Industry in general.

You can find more of my thoughts about Steem games below.

ActiFit Whale 🐳🏃‍🐳

@ActiFit started last year with an app that tracks your movement and rewards it with Steem upvotes. By delegating early to their project, I earned my self a whale account there. It is no SCOT token and doesn't have reward pool for upvotes, so it is very different from the others. But I do see a lot of value in the project and think they have a good chance to grow substantially in the future. In fact, I do believe that this might be the best move of my life. I will hold on to my stake for a long time. Hopefully, I can make use of my stake somehow in the future to pay back to the community, as upvoting with AFIT is not possible.

Steem Engine Tokens

My tokens from the various communities on Steem are probably the most valuable of them all. Even though their market value doesn't reflect that yet, all of that was 100% free for me. I didn't invest any money into any other project than Splinterlands and the @appics ICO. However, I am sitting on some impressive stakes, that all have a team of people working for the success of their own project. This is different to a company doing things: These are all more or less decentralized teams with a lot of people involved to use their apps, improve them and spread the word. And Steem-based companies like Splinterlands, although very much centralized, work hand-in-hand with the community, allowing everyone to make money.

Just by being active, staking my PAL airdrop and PAL earnings, receiving more airdrops from other tokens for my PAL and staking those as well, I got a ton of high stakes in various Steem Engine tokens now with some promising futures. Some will fail, some will succeed. I support them all by staking most of my tokens and selling as little as possible on the way.

Steem Engine's ScotBot creator @holger80 made a fascinating overview of the current stake distribution for all Scot tokens (the ones on Steem Engine that mirror the Steem inflation and upvoting system). According to that I am now a massively influential player all over the Steem ecosystem, although my Steem Power is only 2k.

Splintertalk Whale 🐳💬

Being a Maverick early on, a prestige title for investors with more than 500 booster pack buys, I was entitled for an airdrop of the Splintertalk community token SPT. It is a perfect harmony of earning even more money with the game, by talking about it in your posts, comments and on the TokenBB forum for Splinterlands. Even though there is still nothing announced yet, for what we might be able to use the SPT token one day, the price keeps getting up. So much, that I actually sold a large portion of my stake - but still own MORE than I originally got airdropped two months ago. That's the power of the inflation system and being an early content creator and curator in Steem/SCOT community.

BATTLE Whale 🐳⚔️

The BATTLE token was one of the earliest Steem Engine tokens and the guys behind it used it early on as rewards for Splinterlands tournaments and contests. I hadn't had the time to read into it more but I will do a special posts about it soon in all detail. So far I have staked all my earnings and became a triple whale - which is pretty crazy if you think about it. And that without any airdrop - I have earned it all with upvotes. Let's see where this is going but the harmony with the Splintertalk topics and all game topics in general is being very well received.

SteemAce Orca 🐋♠️

With the GoodGame token (GG) we have gotten yet another gaming community run on SCOT. Other than BATTLE, they airdropped on PAL, so I got some initial stake. The wider distribution lead to a smaller increase of my stake through my content, compared to SPT and BATTLE. Hence, despite the original airdrop and plenty of good content and good upvotes, I made it "only" to a triple Orca stake so far. But I am happy to stake it and I wish both general gaming projects, BATTLE as well as GG, much success. Hopefully, we will see some sort of further differentiation between them in the future.

PAL Orca 🐋🤝

From all the communities, PAL is the king of kings. They were the first large one, the first large airdrop, the first general topic token. Others have airdropped their own tokens on PAL stake holders, as they are important members of the Steem ecosystem and have shown their interest in growing their influence and not selling off the new tokens right away. The PAL upvotes I receive for my content are not amazing, but have been adding to my stake consistently. Every PAL that comes in is an exponential influence for me on the Steem ecosystem when I stake it.

SteemLeo Orca 🐋🦁

The LEO token is the most professional approach to any token, as it is all about investing and finances itself, gathering the creme de la creme of people on Steem, who have some brilliant ideas for LEO all the time. After an initial airdrop via my PAL stake, I have been staking all my LEO earnings and made it a double Orca there. It has been having a beautiful symmetry with my content so far and inspired my to a more professional approach with my content in general. It is my favorite token.

How To Get Stakes Like Mine

It is actually not difficult to get a large stake in any of these new tokens without any investment. Even if you missed out on the airdrops, just start posting special content. Be smart and do cross-posts, earning several of the tokens with each post. Create high quality and the curators will find you. Afterall, the communities are all still small and young and good content sticks out very easily. Commenting is also a nice way to get tokens, as even small upvotes from a whale/orca like me can make a nice amount for you.

And if you already have staked some tokens, use them regularly and curate content for each of their communities. The curation rewards are massive on 50/50 communities, so don't miss out that opportunity. In fact, I am searching for good content and comments all the time to upvote, as most of them are not worth it (like all the daily reward posts on Splintertalk that nobody reads or the 5000th post making a giveaway of a card worth 2 cents - we still have a long way to go). I certainly didn't get my stakes with shitposts easy posts like these!


This is the opportunity of our lifetime. You can earn so much value in such short time, by being present, active, creative and all over the place. Nobody knows where any of this is going but I am now already in a much better situation than just 3 months ago. And I haven't done anything different than before and particularly didn't invest any money. I am still creating good content but it is now valued from different angles and with different powers than before. Vice versa, I am now way more powerful here and can give all you of some actual money value with my upvotes, as I am now such a large stake holder in all of these tokens - tendency growing.

So, are you joining me in the gold rush or do you still stay passive or continue to create low quality content? This is the time for quality now, as it will be seen and rewarded accordingly.

This post and all your comments are eligible for the following upvotes:


Glad you're enjoying the journey!

The curation rewards are massive on 50/50 communities, so don't miss out that opportunity.

Couldnt have said it better! Really felt having the curation reward at 50% is a big value add. Not only is there more earning potential for curators but that translates into potentially large upvotes on the best content. So creators benefit from this as well. Win win!

Congratulations @Flauwy, you have won the "Merlin of Splinterlands" Achievement.
Merlin of Splinterlands.jpg
You have been dropped 50,000 NGA to stake for delegation power in the Engage ecosystem as well as compensate you for your time and effort spent curating content within the @Steemmonsters ecosystem. With @Aggroed as an advisor for @Engagegametech as well as our partnership with @Steem-Engine and @Steem-keychain, our focus on giving more rewards to platform users of our partners is a high priority. We hope to see you participate in our bounty competition to increase your stake to Engage and get you into our Mining Network, set to kick off in time for next week.
Please reach out to us via Engage Hub powered by Discord if interested in helping curate our community within Steem and any more details about the project.

That is amazing news! thank you so much for selecting me. I will stake the tokens and use them for curation of Engage content. I have joined your Discord and wrote the first things. Can't wait to get started with content on Steem. Your project looks fantastic!

A great article @flauwy.

This is exactly what we discussed a year or so ago. Tokens will be coming in all shapes and sizes. The backing of the token is what will determine its value but with teams dedicated to keep developing, it is looking good for many of them.

This is just the first wave. We are going to see a ton more going forward. I am happy you are accumulating so many tokens across the board. Diversifying through our actions is an excellent way to grow.

I wish you a ton of continued success on here.

Precisely! We have been talking about this long before it came and it has been exactly as I anticipated, tons of tokens rolling in for being active. Like you said, this is just the first wave. The true value is yet to come but it keeps us afloat what we got. Quite well so, I would so.

Quite a nice read! It’s true that now is the time to be active through commenting, curating, and creating quality content, esp. with prices being this low. Such a good time to accumulate and build the empire we are all aspiring for! I was away from steem for some time the past couple of months, and have recently started up my activity like before.... I really wish I didn’t lose my motivation like i did there bc the opportunities now are seemingly endless.

Can you elaborate further on how exactly some of these steem engine tokens are able to be staked? I know I have some TROLL tokens and maybe a few others, but I’m not entirely sure on how exactly I can continue to accumulate these, or even some of the others you mentioned in your post

Much respect @flauwy
Keep up the solid effort here, as we will all reap the benefits into the future 🙌🏼🙏🏼

Posted using Partiko iOS

In your wallet on Steem Engine you can stake them: https://steem-engine.com


Alternatively, you can stake them within their own frontends wallets, which are usually the Steemit condenser open source, for example https://www.steemleo.com/@conradsuperb/transfers, for the LEO wallet of yours.

Thanks bro, that helps a lot !! Let’s keep building this 💪🏻

Posted using Partiko iOS

Greetings, grand @flauwy

Nice to know your implication with steem blockchain and a lots ot this tokens here. I am staking mine tokens too, but, now, i am buying 100 beta packs and i will open with gold and legendary potions. I wish i will have good luck here. I have 73. Just more 27 to reach :DD

thank you and good luck with all this excelent tokens

#spt #battle #palnet #steemace #neoxian #steemleo

Awesome, let's bring those booster packs to zero and end the Beta phase! good luck with your cards. May you draw some gold foil Rennyns. :)

Now I just need to get you into my tribe and my life mission will be complete ;)

Awesome article though man...This tribe stuff is really taking off and opening up so many opportunities for people!

Cool man, what's your tribe? So difficult to keep up with everything going on these days.

Inspiring read! When you have passion it's a whole lot easier to put the work in that's required for success. I'm working on a schedule so I can be a consistent presence in a few tribes and not lack on the quality of content.
Keep on pushing!

Posted using Partiko Android

your articles are good. You can use #creativecoin tag also in your article. one more tribe in which you can boast your whale/ocra status.

#spt #battle #palnet #steemace #neoxian #steemleo


Sorry, @r1s2g3, You can not reward TRDO Tokens, You must have atleast 1000 TRDO tokens to distribute.

"Call TRDO, Your Comment Worth Something!"

To view or trade TRDO go to steem-engine.com
Token distribution bot developed by @ali-h

Excellent post, I personally would like to see the new token creators stop basing their airdrops based on staked PAL of users.

Other then that I see no reason as to why to create a post and not use at least one or two different tribe tags. So for anyone who isn't using them yet I would suggest you start.

Great approach and valid ways to grow.
I know for sure I may not be able to post about game.
My game time is very minimal.
Pretty soon I will buy a console for my son and then I could post.
Thanks for the directives and support is where I will focus in this tribe.

I jumped on these tribes yesterday - I know, call me a slowpoke, but I've been busy - So far I'm liking #LEO, #PALNET, #STEM and #NEOXIAN

I got to agree, Leo is really one apart.

Good to have you back and keeping up with stuff. It has not gotten an easier to get what is going on but at least it is now easier to earn.

Greetings friend @flauwy.

I would definitely like to join you in this steem gold rush.

In fact I go a little further. I always make regular publications, but my main motivation is to know the opinions of my followers. I also contribute by making SP delegations to those with low CR to support them in their creativity. I think there should be more people acting like this.

Your healing work is super important, I congratulate you. Most bloggers who live here need to add those cents, every dollar counts.

These tips that you give us on how to grow almost without investment are amazing. Surely from now on many will implement them. Including me. Thank you.

All best, Piotr.

Funny you mention a gold rush,the name of our Hidden achievement that was given to the first 5 Miners of NGA (Engage Token) "Gold Fever"