Legacy Rollercoin miners now, before they are stopped

in #spt2 years ago

I was reading the latest Rollercoin blog


And read the following sentence:

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What does this mean? The miners you get now, will not be issued anymore. They will be limited in availability. Why is this important? Because all miners today have a bonus power rating, but not the ones that are released after the update:

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Bonus power is very important in Rollercoin, especially when utilizing the passive part of Rollercoin. Every miner's bonus power acts cumulative and it adds up very quickly.

I'm currently at 35%+bonus power, which results in me mining my Matic target 35% quicker. But the same applies for any of the other crypto-currencies that you may want, such as bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB, etc..

In addition, they are releasing a marketplace. Thus, if you have extra legacy miners, you could earn some money from them, as I'm sure they will go for a premium.

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If you are a Rollercoinplayer, which miner would you advice people try to get as soon as possible?