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RE: Chicken/Ooze Combo....with a side of fries.

in #spt3 years ago

Hi @captainquack22
You did well to write a post about Fourious Chicken and Creeping Ooze because they are very useful cards in battle.
In particular Furious Chicken is one of the cards that should not be missing in any card collection.
Congratulations on making it to the Silver League
Splinterlands ON!


Few days ago i had them both on rent, along with other couple of my better cards, but i swear, just couldnt get out of a rut with losses back to back.

I saw the Djinn Chwala in marketplace, and for a few bucks its been worth it. I like the thorns, feel like i always get my ass kicked facing anything with thorns.

Think ill be stuck in silver for little while until i get closer to the 100k power needed for gold. Steps bro.

Whats one of your go to, fav cards?