My daily steemmonsters report #153

in #spt4 years ago


Hello players of splinterlands!

Welcome to my daily splinterlands post #153.

In here, we talk about splinterlands, mainly my of daily quests, tournaments and exciting decks, gameplays and news.

My Current status:

  • Happy thursay everyone! Wish you all a safe week ahead. I am at home today, will leave for home tomorrow morning as the whole city is in lockdown for corona virus outbreak.

  • Currently I am at diamond III, holding 3069 trophies. I have to jump first to at least Champ II this time wgwin. I AM TRYING MY BEST! Please be with me well wishers!

  • DEC meter is at 91% currently. It is down a bit as I've played some matches towards reaching the next tier asap!

  • I have also completed the current quest and also the heron quest.


Daily Quest rewards:

today, It was a earth quest.


red-dog quest rewards:



Neoxian guild status

We are doing really great. We are holding the 6th position, and we are a max levelled guild.

We have finally reached the max level.

No quests remain as we have reached the last quest - level 10. We are getting +20% DEC for every ranked match win and +10% dec shop bonus currently.

We have to upgrade our quest guild so that we can move to the next tier.

Alright guys! See you in my next post!!!

Until then, keep fighting friends...




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