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RE: ⭐️All The HIVE DOLLARS This Topic Generates Is YOURS Week Tweenty⭐️

in #spt3 years ago

I was huge beliver of SPT tokken but after the short-lived wave in its price I start devlopeing doubts... I hope Im wrong about it...


For me, the current price is still a high point in the tokens short but impressive price explosion. Imagine if the Splinterlands founders decide to give SPT an in game use. The potential for SPT is high but the risk is also very high. THe risk being, no use case gets implemented. SPT surge in price is based on being included in the SPS airdrop. Once that 365 day of airdrop concludes we will need a new use case for SPT or we might be in for a huge correction.

Yea my thought exactly.
There is also the new NFT market. But it worked out much less than I expected. I hope the developers continue to pay attention to this token as well.