Now Ya See Me…Now Ya Don’t ~ Vader Edition

in #starwars2 years ago


Sideshow Collectibles is one of the leaders in the Pop Culture statue game. With licenses that encompass Marvel, DC, and Star Wars…they pump out some truly incredible pieces of some of our favorite heroes and villains. Case in point…this badass Darth Vader Premium Format 1/4 Statue.

We just got this mofo into the shop the other day and boy oh boy, is it a beauty. Standing at a smidge over 2 feet tall, it’s a monster of a piece. The base is gigantic and this fella has some heft to him at around 25 lbs.


He comes in several pieces as most Sideshow pieces do at that point. After piecing all his limbs on and attaching his cloth cape that can be posed as well, we decided to light him up! That’s right!!! His chest piece and his lightsaber both light up bright. He looks ready to kill some children!!!

The Chest piece is powered by battery but the saber lights up only when plugged in. Not the biggest fan of having to plug statues in as cables get all over the place. I wish they would just stick to batteries all the way. Anyhoo, lets just take a look at the beauty of this piece for a second…


Funny part is that we have over 1200 statues and busts displayed in our shop, so finding a spot large enough to house this monster base took some serious reorganizing and reshuffling. But finally after about 40 minutes of finagling…we had it in its spot. Only to have a customer come in about 20 minutes later and purchase it for $700. 🤑

This fine gent as you can tell, is a gigantic Vader fan as he not only snagged the brand spanking new Sideshow piece, but an older Vader in Meditation Chamber statue for $150 that was made by Applause waaaaay back over 20 years ago. Best part is I had put that and a few other Applause pieces in my case just hours prior. Those older Applause pieces had been sitting in my shed for years now, and as they were recently dug up, I figured I’d load some of my cases back up. Score!!!


So if you are keeping count, 2 Vader pieces arrived on Friday that had no more than 2 hours in my shop, sold to the fine lad above. Special thanks to him for being a good sport and allowing his photo to be taken for my nerdy blog.

May The Force Be With You.



Bad guys are more fun and have better outfits. That is a big piece though. He looks strong enough to carry it.


Wait... he's a gigantic Vader fan? He knows Vader is the bad guy yeah? Does he know? Should you call his parents?


Lol the statue is amazing but that's a lot of money. Collectors are crazy people.

Oh the collectibles market is simply silly. So much insane money is being shifted into big boy pieces. It’s really ramped up. The original art market has people dropping hundreds of thousands to millions…

Dear @blewitt, sorry to jump in a bit off topic but may I ask you to support the HiveBuzz proposal?
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On behalf ot The HiveBuzz team, thank you!


Thank you for your support, much appreciated!

Anytime friend!

That's awesome!
