Statism is a False Religion

in #statism7 years ago

The parallels between statism and other religious cults are many and they undoubtedly prove that the belief in the legitimacy of governmental institutions (which we call "statism") is in-fact a religious cult. What's more is that it is a very dangerous and deadly religious cult - the most dangerous cult in human history.

Like all good religious cults, statism has a creation myth that legitimizes its existence. In the United States (as in other governments), that myth is built on a war between good and evil, with the triumph of good and the establishment of a more enlightened nation (Let there be Light!).


Following the creation myth, the Creators (mere humans who are canonized as near demi-gods) lay down some laws to serve as the framework for life inside their world. These laws are considered to be the Highest Laws of the Land, enshrined in a Constitution. Often times, these founding documents are enshrined as Holy Relics in museums.


It is taught that this new nation is ordained by the Divine Creator Himself - a new Chosen People or Nation likened unto Israel of the Christian and Jewish Bibles.


The Holy (founding) Fathers are venerated as superior intellects - often as mortals who were given Divine Inspiration by Providence. Their sins (such as owning slaves, or compromising on their principles, etc) are either overlooked or seen as brilliant strategic negotiations.


No religion will get very far without the proselytes and clergy who go out to spread the Good News. The new laws are carried to the far reaches of the empire via endless swarms of government officers who preach compliance as a means of avoiding divine wrath.


Like the spiritual deities around the world, government loves to watch what you're up to. In order to do this, regular confessions are required.


To pray means to ask (in Hebrew as well as in legalese). This is done by voting, petition drives, and other means of communicating your desires to your Lord(s).


All religions need their Holy Sanctums - the hallowed halls and sacred rooms for ritual and prayer. Schools, courtrooms, and the exalted temples/buildings where the Lords' work is done (Whitehouse, Capitol Building, etc).


The gathering of saints for the petitioning of the Divine Master or President happens in churches as well as in the halls of Congress or Parliament.


The word "worship" actually means "to work for" in Latin as well as Hebrew. Where do you serve your Lord? In his schools and by paying the tithe of your labor via taxes.


It's not enough to control the members of your own church. Religious cults must go and convert others even if that means by means of violent force. Knights performed this role in the past, while more modern military forces do the same today.


Failing to comply with the Divine Laws of the state is the same as committing sins against the church of old. Purification through pain and torture is often used. Jails have replaced dungeons and castle towers, but the concept remains. Other torture devices are still used, shackles/handcuffs, electric shocks/tasers, flogging/truncheon, and capital punishment are methods that all alive and well.


Disrespecting a flag or religious symbol or not standing for certain hymns or anthems are met with the same disdain and may result in being shunned or worse.


The ultimate punishment is a violent, murderous wrath that not only kills the sinner, but often their entire family or even an entire city. Whole nations are destroyed for the sins of one man (their leader), just as Canaan, Philistine, or Egypt of the Old Testament.
