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RE: Discontinuing my daily statistics posts

in #stats8 years ago

If you want to look at it that way, it's a service. Masteryoda extracts and presents the data in a logical manner. It saves the rest of us from having to individually figure out how to do the same thing. Beyond which, it should be up to individuals on whether they find it valuable and upvote it.


All valid points in these replies. I'm still on the fence because there are understandable points on both sides.
Is it one individual who is flagging these posts? If so, perhaps some discussion might be in order between the author and the flagger to come to an agreement?
In fact, if the public is truly in control, perhaps a polling option for steemit might not be a bad idea. This way each individual - whale or minnow - has an equally charged poll-vote in situations like this, so we can all decide with a majority vote.

It looks like it was Ned. One other person flagged but I could only scroll so far through the voters. I agree that it would have been preferable for ned to talk to masteryoda first. There should really be a process for flagging protocol. An unweighted poll would be a good idea as long as it was one human one vote lol :)