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RE: This is bad... Trends are going DOWN

in #steeem5 years ago (edited)

one of the biggest promoting platforms is cmc.
Place 73 :/

[wtf is ABBC Coin?]
when steem goes from top20 to top 60 to top 100 to oblivion ...its normal that the public interest disapears.

I dont know how to help the situation. Making Wikipedia entries, making promotion. I powered down and nearly tripled (still not break even :( ). It shouldn't be that beneficial to powerdown :/

The toxic environment comes from a few in power, the community is fine. Well, the dAPPs are not crazy, but they try...its not that bad. Shareholders working against users interest work long term against themselves. Stupid


Shareholders working against users interest work long term against themselves. Stupid

Well said

There is nothing we can do. Ok, we can make super cool marketing and get, 10.000 new users. (*impossible, but just as the example)

They wait for a week or two, they forget to ever log in - 5000 less
They see Trending page - now we have 3.000 :D
Markdown formating, so advanced for 1979 - 1000 users are still around

They post, and post and post for a week and they get 1$ in total - 100 users stayed, a drop in the ocean.

On the other hand... Top stakeholders have a vision.
They use their power to upvote something valuable with a measurable amount.
Great, they can support about 100 serious authors. Organic growth starts, some development is done (that would cost less than 10k $). And the price starts to rise. Keep the momentum and it can be fihed in a couple of months.

I am catching up on your comments... Nice to see a sharp mind with lots of humor...