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RE: is live

in #steem-bounty6 years ago

yourinfo has more then annoyed me and even tried with a repeated comment last week including a very last minute attempt to gain part of the bounty. They have a perfect 100% track record of self voting.

Unlike many here I call things like I see them and you have earned my kind words and respect. I do a lot of watching from the sidelines figuring out who is doing what before someone gets my witness vote. More important there are very few that I recommend others to vote for like I have with steem-bounty.

There are very few efforts on steemit to make the platform function better for those of us that don't have large accounts and that is a shame as there are 10,000k of us for each of you that have a large account. Steem-bounty is one of the tools that helps those of us that are growing our accounts manage things like VP which is very important.


he is on the blacklist now

Did you see my comment that I tagged you in here

This clown actually has 25 accounts that he is using now.

Yep they are all on the blacklist

Thank you sir! I will probably still flag the asshat if he comments more, but at least now I don't need to worry about the last minute crap sneaking in and taking from the curators for the PIF Curation Contest.

@knirchy was wondering if you would be interested in doing a little interview with me. I started up a PIF Spotlight post series that I want to feature some of the witnesses and larger members of steemit that are doing good things for the smaller members. Think you would be ideal for this and we can talk about steem-bounty naturally and now the website you launched for it.

If you are interested I'm on discord same name #6765 or if you aren't on discord we can work it out.

Can you contact me on telegram so we can coordinate?

@knircky just installed it, now how do I find you there? Join our channel via this link, i will see you we can start a private chat

Oops, I see this is the same offender that I just commented about. Thank you for staying on top of things!