
Always great to read your post about your effort to inspire other and spread the love of music and Steemit to others... :)

I don't deserve the full credit... there are many people who work harder such @perennial @zhusatriani @zulkiflisaadan @calebleejl and many more... i'm just enjoying the fun and sharing it in my post... thank you @orangila

Yeah.. that is why I intend to take photos for many other events so I can connect the dots and meet more of you all... I actually wanted to go over to the event that was held in Muzium Negara on early Feb, but I was busy that day.... my goal is to document all of teammalaysia's activities and photos can be used by all to market ourselves when we are at the centre stage or if we ever have a booth in some exhibitions to promote teammalaysia

That is super awesomee idea... Great initiative! I believe you can have your own exhibition one day and sharing all the beautiful souls you captured in photos (funded by steemit)... Love to see it being showcased in any future steemfest... Good luck bro!

Actually, I love taking event photography and connect with the very people who attended the events.... photos are like food, they are meant to be be shared... do let me know of any upcoming steam-cartoon events, especially if it is near MMU as I live in Kajang and traveling to MMU is not far away..

That is so cool of ya... will let u know... cheers!

There is going to be one event that i believe angiechin28 will be announcing soon.

alright, will wait for the announcement... I wonder what the babes will be up to next

Well, that is life isnt it. Wasnt meant to be fair but we try to make the best of it as much as we can. Well u had ur fair share of good time here as well...


We all enjoyed the camaraderie we forged along the way...who would do this for us if they didnt care?


Love the atmospheric and beautiful souls in it... superdamn fun... and supertouched by the appreciations...

Beautiful write up. Full of thoughts and depths of your view.

Thanks @jazz-accountant ... u were there in Liberal Latte... nice meeting ya!

thanks man. for always inspiring and ever supportive! together we can definitely go further. on behalf of #steem-music it’s our honour to be able to partner with #steem-cartoon on this Steemit journey. :)


Yup!... we can go fast by taking a short cut...but we aim to go further... by supporting communities, creating many great content and working together... God willing... hopefully we can achieve it...

indeed! let’s do this together! 💪🏼

Kudos bro!

Thanks bro!

You always have my love @sireh! I look up to you not only as my new found fave buddy now but there is something about your aura that makes me want to saw...awwww I love that dude! Look forward to meet up again real soon!!

"...there is something about your aura that makes me want to saw... awwww"... errrr... now you're making me supernervoussss... hahaha...

Errr... what does it mean?... hahahaa...

We shall continue this when we meet! Hahahahaha!

... and my supernervousness now is doubled... demm... hahaha!

@sireh its going to Supernova one okay. Lols! #lapthepeluh

Resteeming this! You have a great golden nugget of advise there! "...that was why I choose community building rather than strategic alliance...". And you have proven it!!

Hehe... Actually i preferred both... but if given only a choice in between those two... i prefered the best for all communities...

The latter is always lasting bro, it helps you build relationships that lasts forever. These days good friendships are hard to find.

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