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Do not lose your password!

The second rule of Steemit is: Do not lose your password!!

Edward Norton would understand...

1st and 2nd rules SECONDED MOTIONS!


Is the pyramid over the eye intentional?

I was hoping you would say that :-) My authentiCITY is tried and true.

OMG I just saw some guy blog that you brought him to steemit in an intro. Your famous now dude :-)

I cant see a pyramid ;)

yeah thats what I thought lol


I like Bacon. See that? I even capitalized it. I saved this a while back knowing I would meet a real Bacon someday. The fact that I found Bacon's rules would almost make it destiny. I think you made these rules so just so everyone else knows the answer to the blank space I guess..
![Screen Shot 2017-06-23 at 1.14.19 PM.png](https:/Screen Shot 2017-06-23 at 1.14.19 PM.png

Just replace all Bacon with Steemit lol

Best one!

yep thats the winner in my eyes

The music automatically started to play in my head.

"I wanted to burn the Louvre. I'd do the Elgin Marbles with a sledgehammer and wipe my ass with the Mona Lisa. This is my world, now. This is my world, my world, and those ancient people are dead."

Fight Club : Chapter 16

First Rule of Steem Club,

Just laugh when anyone says Snapchat.

Haha. You said Snapchat.

Good work following the first rule!

Haha! You said "Snapchat" too, you dummy!

Haha. I did say Snapchat! So funny. I'm sure glad that they removed the comment nesting limits.

Haha! You said "Snapchat" again! When will you ever learn???

Haha! So Silly. I don't even know what Snapchat is!? I hope these messages are erased from the server after you read them and not stored permanently on some sort of distributed ledger.

OMG! Haha! Again! You did it again!

You really need to stop saying "Snapchat" all the time. My sides are going to cramp from all of the laughter! Ya dumbo!

You also say the S word! Ha ha ha ha

First Rule of Steem Club,

Don't get on the bad side of @berniesanders.

Yeah. I hear he is one of those bad whales.

my fav answer so far

I've heard that he is a sad man and NOT a Steemian. Do you have any ideas about what he should maybe do?

If I were him I'd devise a vote buying scheme to make everyone super happy before turning on them again and crushing all of their dreams.

LOL!! That reply made my freakin' week! Bernie is such a sell out. That comment was SPOT ON!

First Rule of Steem Club,

Talk about Steem Club as much as you can to other people in the Steem Club while they give you money for the great work you've done promoting Steem Club to existing Steem Club members.


I claimed another @ats-david comment as my favorite before reading this one. lol

Agreed lol! He killed it.

I should have led with this one. Sorry for ruining your favorite comment claim. I'll try to do better next time.

steem power up

First Rule of Steem Club,

Post whatever you want because nobody reads it anyway.

ok just stop dude! you're making others look bad.

OK. Sorry.

First Rule of Steem Club,

Don't make other users look bad.

I think I got it now. My apologies once again.

Unless that user is ___________

Oh, now this could be a lot of fun! Let me sleep on it!

Conservationist. ------,I must get round to writing that blog but I just want to relax and enjoy the summer.

You do talk about Steem Club.

You do not stop talking about Steem club until your friend punches you in the face. That is another club.

EDIT: Misread
Apparently bold was not sufficient for me.

You DO!!!! talk about Steem Club.

hahahaha beordo :D

First rule of Steem club,
Join Steemspeak on Discord.

Sure why not. It seems like a fun place.

It was either that or first rule of steemit club. Ditch Fakebook.

Be nice!

First Rule of Steem Club,

Follow @mynameisbrian!

Yes. That was shameless ass-kissing.

As always, perfection! You better be posting these outside of steem to, they are gold!


First Rule of Steem Club, invite your mom.

First Rule of Steem Club,

Be a cute girl...but if you're not, just catfish.

**** this is a good one.

Never give your Steemit password 😯

First rule of Steem Club, you do not talk about Facebook!

Not in a nice way at least.

But... this post references Facebook.

But do talk on Facebook about Steemit 8-)

There is no Steem Club

The first rule of steam club, Don't drink and steam.

First rule on steem club,
A triad of triads. More sweeping

Don't leave your upvote at home.

Nice illustration! Is that your original work?

First rule of Steem-Club: You do talk about Steem-Club.
Second rule of Steem-Club: You DO talk about Steem-Club!

is to be original

Plagiarism is a crime, originality is the way to go!

Do not hit Baby Seals with your steem Club


recently clubbed...

Power up (and come with a steemit lady -for guys) before you join the party. good one indeed.

be generous and love your fellow steemer's

• First rule of steem club: keep your friends close, keep your whales closer

• First rule of steem club: Talk about Steem club, anywhere and always.

• First rule of steem club: there are no rules in Steem club

• First rule of steem club: stay close to the whales

First Rule of Steem Club, UPVOTE!!!

I would rock this!


Stay connected stay true . @mynaeisbrain

First Rule of Steem Club, Buy The Dip

First Rule of Steem Club, Buy The Rumour, Sell The News

Live Vicariously!

first rule of steemclub, upvote my post when I have upvoted your post .....lolll just kidding :)


First rule of Steem Club......don't take offense as it's such a wasted emotion.


No shirts, no shoes when you're working from home...Although technically I think that's the sixth rule.

First Rule of Steem Club - @mynameisbrian аlways says funny

The second Rule of Steem Club - If you are not funny, see First Rule

. . .. don't expect to pay your tab at the bar with SBD.

First Rule of Steem Club, tattoo your password on your dick!

The first rule of steem club is to always talk about steem club.

Love the idead

First Rule of Steem Club, always talk about Steem Club

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