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RE: Are the selfless delaying the inevitable/essential?

in #steem6 years ago

Earlier today, I made my final decision: no more bid bots. Be the change you wanna see - lol

Never say never, but I'm with you on this one right now.

Leaves me with the next issue: community bots and community up-voting ‘requirements’. These last ones are no different than the so called ‘circle-jerks’ everybody is accusing the whales of...

Honest and correct - sbi, qurator, makeawhale, etc. Whales and obvious larger 'CJs' could point to these and state they are no different.

I'm a fan of all the above, and I don't complain too much about CJs - it's their stake, mostly.

Keep on going though - got to be in it to win it, or place somewhere mid-table :)