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RE: HF20 Update: Operations Stable

in #steem6 years ago

nah he cant waste his time with those groups that are just not meant to be given attention curation is not this big thing to focus on its an after thought, when steem is high enough curation can be sold to investors as some sort of great dividend like in the stock market, but for now its not something @ned should worry about, and what you are really asking is for Ned to station someoen and give up some of his steempower for helpinggroups that are fine on their own, sorry, its not needed, but i know you were just trying to talk and add something

but everyone is trapped in this yes man brown nose mode with ned no one wants to actually tell him that hes lazy and isnt working hard enough, and haha when you actually tell otehr steemianbs that they get all defensive for ned, like cucks, its pathetic, like Ned doesnt need any praise he needs viscious 4chan style internet attacks pon his lack of motivation or vision. When @mughat desytroyed hios entire good person 1 person 1 vote token idea ned KEPT tryin to act like he was right without any evidence or morals, he literaly brought up some crap about how he wante dto impress the NAACP like whut? since when is Steemit icn focused on charities and welfare groups to help minorities? Is steemit inc just another branch of the democratic party? no really

and also why do you all think youre so important/ Barely ANYONE on steem is important Especially ned, only Dan was important, and ned pushed him out with his irational egosim that wasnt alligned in anyones self interest but stubborness, i mean haha Ned is now taking credit for building User Interfaces, he takes credit for SMTs when mughat invented it he trakes credit for all sorts of shit he didnt create, he has like TWO programmers working at steemiut inc and expects peopel liek roadscape to do ALL teh work on cummunities probobly for free, and ned thinks thats soem sort of good thing downsizing to the max and hoarding as much of the steempower as possible instead of actively using it to hire people PROFESSIONALS not ANYONE from within not any of our losers but REAL social media pros from instagram and reddit who can actually bring INVESTORS and ATTRACTIVE WOMEN from Instagram, who have more followers than we have USERS! I had Madison.nm. the daughter of EOSsandiego call me and she was so not interested in steem... its pathetic guys we have a dud leading us, no one wants him, no one wants steem, eos will just clone the entire blog chaina nd just airdropp all steemians some free eos steem clone tokens if we have to

Steem is about the FUTURE.. Ned evcn knows this that the FUTURE steem users will make our CURRENT core group look pathetic! Some humans are just better than others and were gonna see that first hand when the new users come in and make us ALL look pathetic liek we werent really working hard at ALL.... only a few people like @jesta and inertia and a few others do any real work thats useful;, creating things liek @vessel when ned should have been spoearheaidng those things, or at least givin some delegation to @jesta or giving him PUBLIC support


Him and surfyopgi had teh same bullshit prpoblem where they tried to act liek theyre too godo for us liek they are too good to communicate to steemians, when were aALL THEY GOT qnd NO ONE is fuckin joining this shithole untill ned actually PUTS TIME into beinga LEADER

Like honestly what teh rfuck is he doing with his time thats os important that he cant make a fuckin daily post? he obviously is faking a lot, hes being a poser, the bitcoin fortuen he must have made went to hsi head and he actually BELIEVED his own bullshit thinking he is some financial genius who has all teh answers!

reallly makes me angry at how many people want to kiss up to him when theres no reason to, he wont give out upvotes, hah but he will flag @sircork for disagreeing with him LOL

Serioulsy ned is the head of a "social media platform" and yet he doesnt communicate... when he does leave a few comments heer or there, its like its TOO LATE he already SHOWED himself to be a dead beat dad

hes a typical dead beat dad, id hate to be his kids, gettin shown no attention, meh probably because his own father didnt show him attention so he thinks he can go through life and just get away with doing the absolute minumum and expect us ALL to be onbaord and not try to get his assets seized by the Feds?

the SEC could make him eitehr step down liek Elon Musk OR hire a board of directors from COMPETANT tech companies, and launch an IPO for steemit inc, go public, become teh first crypto currency ETF, and now see THAt would get things moving

otherwise steem coudl very well die and anyone ANYONE thinking about investing is PROBOBLY being told by SMARTER people right now that -they should just wait for EPOS

I mean even GOLOS is going to be using EOS

hahaha its like all steem has going for it is @dlux-io by @disregardfiat

Even @steemmonsters is becoming very sketchy with how much money they have made without having any sort of playable product at all, just a big mess of artists and story lines, there will probobly be no steem monsters game im calling it now, it will most likely fall apart just like DLIVE, ANOTHER scam Ned let slip through his fingers and even @surfyogi ADMITTED he knew it was a big scam that ned kind of just aALLOWED to happen, AND Ned bought a mercedes and didnt show anyone, like hes ashamed, and you all know teh scammer @zeartul also bought a mercedes scamming steemians with the belly rub bank... coincidence? WHo knows

But the Facts are, ned is iresponsible and not a leader.... he aallowed the signup screen to ask peopel to PAY to signup, pathetoicm and a HUGE turn oiff, ive had countless young attractive peopel from instagram get TURNED off from wanting to joinw hen they see that you have to PAY to signup... and without ned ever paying @pharesim for steeminvite we are FUCKED and theres NO WAY to get an instant account anymore and im sorry but paying $10 to $20 on vessel or steemconnect for a fucking steem account is UNACCEPTABLE and NO ONE will be doing that, its an unrealistic fantasy world that steem is living in... NO ONE will need stee,m by the time SMts come out, it will be forked or cloned over onto EOS with an aoirdrop and we will have all moved onto better and boigegr things

all because ned refused to work harder for us and accept his role as leader, ned refused to lead a campaign to gain new investors by creating daily videos, all he had to do was fly around the country visiting steemians, giving out big life changing upvotes,it would have been so easy

seriously our whales mostly suck and are just lucky bitcoin investors who gambled and bought bitcoin early and needed something fun to invest in thus their steem investments

we need NEW whales and we need to INSPIRE the hardest working minnows with people that ned can HIRE to go around the country with the steem or steemit or ned active key and UPVOTE people $100 to $1000 upvotes Live in camera to show people crying over it etc, itd be so easy but noiooo excueses excuses ...

wee all done trying to impress ned, the only way to even GET hois attention is to challenge his morals like @mughat and expose him for being an inteelcturla fraud who cares baout the collective instead of the indidvidual and or be liek @sircork and just tell the trutha nd reveal neds incpompoetance


Not sure my response was brown nosing in the slightest.. my point was I agreed with him not curating himself.. because, you know.. he’s the CEO and has other stuff he should be doing. I didnt make my comment to get a dumb upvote or suck up.. I did it because he mentioned curating and I think it’s something he and Steemit Inc. have dropped the ball on, so I told him so... and no I have absolutely no interest in his SP.. so yeah.

As far as we need new whales.. I hear you can become a whale my investing a large amount of your own money in the platform, maybe something to look into.