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RE: Excited about TRON&Steem/Steemit collaboration

in #steem4 years ago

Hello @justinsunsteemit,

Welcome to the Steem blockchain. Great to see that you quickly immersed in our community and show will to communicate with us.

As you can read in the many comments you received, despite the fact we knew that something would happen between Steem and Tron, the announcement you made generated great concern among community members. I hope we will have soothing responses during the upcoming AMA.

The Steem community is made up of a variety of profiles, not just technical or financial. It is a vibrant community of people who are passionate about the project that we have been building together for 4 years.

Mergers and acquisitions can sometimes be destructive if poorly prepared or executed. My dearest wish is that you will have the wisdom not to rush it, that you will take the time to get in touch with the various components of our ecosystem and that you will use the greatest wisdom to act in the interest of all.

As a developer, I invested my body and soul in this project. I would be disappointed to see four years of hard work to create applications based on the amazing Steem technology reduced to nothing.

As a human, thanks to the extraordinary people who make up this community, I created a true network of friendship around the world. I invite you not to underestimate the links that unite us and that we want to continue. This is in line with what @starkerz has mentioned in his comment, namely the possibility for the community to turn to a hard fork if it felt threatened.

I think our goals are the same, to create the best truly decentralized blockchain to improve our world. Let us ensure that we can achieve this objective, together, with confidence and with the greatest transparency.


Ask him about his ties to the CCP if we are going forward with transparency.