
Lol, indeed. That sort of widely distributed capital within a Steem economy could do a vast amount of good. Heck, the planet would be unrecognisable in a couple of generations. Oh and we could get that theme park we always wanted... :)

The one with the rollercoaster that goes backwards??? How awesome it would be!

oh god please no I would die

That would be an utterly ridiculous valuation, but it is fun to dream about numbers like that isn't it? Steemit would be minting more millionaires than Microsoft ever did. :-)

You get a Lambo! And you get a Lambo! And you get a Lambo! Everybody gets a Lambo!!!

Utterly 1 quardillion in derivatives or trillions in national dept :) I'd swap that ridiculousness for steem ridiculousness any day of the week.

Hehe, you have a point there... stranger things have happened!