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RE: Here Comes BRO-Rando! The Fun Way to Bot, Bro!

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

Yeah, that’s the other problem. The voting is randomized, so you won’t know the percentages until the bot sends out the votes.

But if you just wanted to front-run based on transactions, you could just randomize yourself or spread the votes evenly across all posts, to equal the one 100% vote.


that is why a fronter from the inside is much more interesting for followers... Because it will match the bot vote

And that is why i asked if the code was available some where to figure out and apply to hack of dual accounts single bot.

It is a top-secret code that is far too dangerous for the public to know about!

If it were to fall into the wrong hands...


Ha, ha, ha, ha I see we have been talking to the same people.


I don't think anything at this point can do worse than our own Einstein splitting making open source the BIDbot atom code.