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RE: Bid Bots: Steem's Achilles Heel? I present A New Way To Solve The Bid Bot Issues And Reinstate 'Proof Of Brain'.

in #steem6 years ago

I have been asking for a real mute button for some time. If I have someone on mute, their remarks should also be auto muted on any content I create. If I post and they are on my mute list, my content viewers should not have to see the drivel of their comments. They should be auto greyed out. I know people will say that is censorship, no it is not. It is no different than a guest at a party you host spouting of a bunch of nasty language and you asking them to leave your house. That is not censorship, my blog is an extension of my house, people are invited to comment, when they act like an idiot, I will mute them so I do not see their stupidity, and I would like to avoid subjecting my viewers to their idiocracy. Just as the newspapers do not print every letter to the editor I should not have to allow every letter to the editor to be in plain site on my blog.


I started by disagreeing with you but after reading your comment about 10 times I think I agree completely.

As long as I'm notified that they are there and I can un-hide them and take a look myself.

I think it could be helpful if the author of the post could grey out, NOT hide or block replies.

I just think that I should have more control over what is replied in my post. I would not want to see 100 comments all full of foul language, I don't think anyone would like to see that. So a greyed out post that if visitors want to see why I have someone muted they would be able to make a determination in their mind that it was for possibly for cause.

Making a comment cost nothing, downvoting it to a point it is not viewable can take a lot of steem power.

I'm in on greying them out.
It's your blog, you could have that choice.

Blocking them completely is a bad idea, imo.
It allows immature behavior to persist in a bubble.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment