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RE: Are the selfless delaying the inevitable/essential?

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Lol no not FTG. First comment you snippet to highlight thoughts on changes to the reward structure . Individual didn’t seem favorable of increasing the vote impact but seems to have benefited from it. Perhaps not via self vote but MB? Of course, the upvote to me could have been due to my talents. I get a few of those here and there. 😉

Enjoy the relaxing effects of the wine and have a good evening!


snowflake? A quick check in the wallet suggests minnowbooster action.

I actually slept terribly, thinking about the league post and all these replies!

Have a nice day, i think the league post will arrive in 8/9 hours.

I cringe on your behalf on the sheer quantity of engagement you have in store.

I saw the league post but my engagement for the day is kaput so I might not make my way to commenting there. As always, thanks for your work! I’m quite happy to not be in the top 10 but still somewhere up there. 😄

Enjoy your week off!! I’m sure it will be nice to be in the UK again, at least for a short respite until your next destinations!