
i second this nomination.

I second this nomination.

Thanks for the love everyone, I accept

yes i second this... @ehiboss has proved to be a loyal leader for Steem and has worked so hard to keep the Nigerian community in check.

I second this

I second this nomination with everything in me

I support this nomination

I support

I second this nomination, ehiboss has done exceptionally well in bringing steem to Africa .

I nominate @ehiboss 🤗 He is amazing

I second this nominated..

I second this nomination.

I second this nomination

I second this nomination

I second this nomination. ♥

I second this nomination

I second this nomination

I second this nomination

Seconded vy me...

I second this nomination.

I second this nomination.

I second this

I second this nomination.

I second this nomination, he is a leader

I support the motion!

I second this nomination

I second this nomination

I seconded this nomination 😁😁👏

I second this nomination

I second the nomination

I second this nomination

I second this

I second this

I second this, he sure is hardworking.

I second this nomination

I second this nomination