My child uses steem to pay me(孩子用steem 来还钱)

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

My child used to be asking for everything without consideration and she had a famous saying, "Mum can buy for me." So when other kids were trying to compete for something, she was just standing by in calm. If she was asked why, she would answer, "Mum can buy for me."

我孩子过去想要东西的时候压根不考虑。她有个名言“妈妈买”。 当其它孩子争抢玩具时候,她在一旁冷眼旁观,有人问她为何,她丢出一句“妈妈买”。

Now things are somehow different, I would ask her to pay half of the price if she wants something extra. I told her she is growing up and must be more independent. She is an active author in steemit and enjoying writing those horrible novels, which gave her some steem. She once used steem she earned to buy whole series books of Harry Potter.

现在政策变了。 她要额外东西的时候,得自己付一半的钱。我告诉她,你长大了,得独立了。她在史蒂姆上是个积极的作者,喜欢写那些恐怖😱故事,这给她赚了些史蒂姆。她去年就用自己赚的钱买了全套哈利波特的书📖。

Today we went to the st kilda beach in Melbourne for our weekend journey. She saw a donut made of wool which cost 8 aud. She asked to buy. I was about to permit it, then I changed mind and said she should pay half of the price which is 4 aud. Since she has no cash, she can make the payment by transferring steem to my account. The current steem market price was 4.28 USD, which was about 5.35 Australian dollars. As such, she should pay me 0.748 steem. All went smoothly afterwards. However, this reminds me of someone using fifteen bitcoin to buy a pizza. She may regrete this transaction after she grows up.

今天我们去墨尔本附近的一个城市海滩。她看到一个用毛做的甜甜圈🍩。就想要我买。我刚打算掏钱,一想不对。就对她说,你得掏一半。那甜甜圈是8澳元一个。目前史蒂姆市价4.28 美元,她付四澳元给我。因为她没有现金。算下来需要转0.748个史蒂姆给我。她答应了。这让我想起几年前那个拿一堆比特币买了一个披萨🍕的美国青年。我想她长大以后说不定会后悔今天的这个交易。哈哈。







