To Buy or Not to Buy More STEEM

in #steem5 years ago

Steem is taking the long road home, meaning the long road back to new lows. Kind of tempted to buy out of a bad habit, but it seems like we're not to the bottom yet. Touching the recent low of $0.21 would be a good check to see if it bounces off that first. Of course, long-term we know it can't fall much further down than $0.25 more. In our world interests rates can now be negative, but prices still stop at ZERO. (-:



No... Just no. It's constantly falling down for 1.5 year, enough is enough

I do not have money to buy, but I guess it's a good time to do it, I really hope to see prices increase before December.

yes, although it seems a fair number of people that have been around forever are powering down, if they already hadn't before

Sometimes the old must leave for the new to arrive, that's what crypto is about.

let us hope... or maybe even it's time to pray

yeah it sure isn't looking so great..

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