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RE: Still in Defense of a High SBD: Why Witnesses Should not Implement Steem to SBD Conversions Now-

in #steem6 years ago

I think you are correct @papa-pepper. More growth in the currency (shown) value of the SBD is great early on. But when this platform becomes bigger a more normal stable SBD will be much better for the masses holding them. Maybe the reward pool should start buying up portions of the SBD at the current time, with full disclosure of course as needed to the public. Setting it up while on a good run (5-20x) the current value, having a reverse split to target a $1=1SBD down the road could be achieved that in my opinion down the road. The funny thing is the $ inflation that we could be realizing if the current market trends slow down, and the run on steem otherwise could be ridiculous. Good points @papa-pepper nice article @aggroed once again, always thinking ahead, I love it. --@cryptkeeper17