
hey so nice I really like your post! Lets make steemit together to a better place with our content! I would like to read a bit more about you? Look my Introduceyourself like I do it. I went to jail because of cryptos :

Hey thnx I really aprreciate that :) I will look into updating my bio, sorry to hear about your incarceration

Glad your long have you been into crypto??

I have only been in since the end of November, how about yourself?

Hello and nice to see you here :) hope you shall like steemit!


Thank you so far I am really liking it. Been spending most my time lately learning how to use the platform.

Welcome Steemmate! I’ve been on Steemit for about a week, cryptos for about a month and foreign currency trading for about a year. I think this is the wave of the future!

I have to agree. I am pumped up about Steemit I can see it being much bigger in the future