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RE: STEEM: Whales Are Losing Their Power....The System Is Not Broken...Report through 2/15/18

in #steem6 years ago

Nice to read you, @taskmaster4450!

It is true about the account inactivity, and it also works to keep up the STEEM value: lots of tokens burned in inactive accounts. I think the platforms that have already being designed in the STEEM blockchain, for sure will remain... ive heard from the creator of D.Tube that he migth move to the SMT model to run an ICO, and thats good news even tho it is a little bit confusing how SMT tokens will interact with the price and value of the STEEM token...

What is is true, is that new devolopers of social media would chose the best machine to build upon, and that would be EOS for sure. I've being researching all the possible info about @ned and @dan, you know, "to protect my investment", and @dan publiccly said that EOS would be the ground level of making "more and better social media". Remember that he built STEEM to convert users to his proyect (learning the lesson of BitShares with technology adoption) and he will do the exact same model with EOS... Also, he is being really critical about the governance upon steem (the bots, the self-vote, the whales, the token distribution, etc...).

The advantage of STEEM is the first-move... I think June-July will be a desicive month for the Social Media in the blockchain, with the release of APPICS and EOS. APPICS, if they manage to accomplish what they promise, to make the blockchain acccesible and understandable to "average-joe" they migth have the first killer-app in the blockchain.... So thats what i think STEEM will still be growing this year, but, 2019-2020 will determine weather if EOS or STEEM will become the mass-adoption social media in the blockchain.

Of course, we still have to see which proyects emerge with EOS and with SMT... Nothing have being said with EOS, and, apart from APPICS, i havent seen any exiting proyects coming this year for the SMT.

So, we will see :)

I love your content, man! ill come to post more often.