Help: Please Like & Retweet Steem Network Tweet On WazirX Exchange STEEM Listing!

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

Need help from all Steemians using Twitter. I would really like to see the folks from WazirX take note of our community here on Steem. Steemit Inc has pushed two tweets. One of them is a shout out to WazirX and it's CEO and the other is to get CoinDCX to do the same.

If you get on twitter, like and retweet two tweets from Steem (with or without a comment) and post screenshot in the comments below.

Tweet 1:

~~~ embed:1148586352872574976 Please like and retweet this and post a screenshot in the comments section of this blog. twitter metadata:U3RlZW1OZXR3b3JrfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL1N0ZWVtTmV0d29yay9zdGF0dXMvMTE0ODU4NjM1Mjg3MjU3NDk3NiBQbGVhc2UgbGlrZSBhbmQgcmV0d2VldCB0aGlzIGFuZCBwb3N0IGEgc2NyZWVuc2hvdCBpbiB0aGUgY29tbWVudHMgc2VjdGlvbiBvZiB0aGlzIGJsb2cufA== ~~~

(Don't forget to tag @NischalShetty (CEO, WazirX) and @coindcx in your retweet comment so that they see people engaging with this tweet acknowledging this listing on an Indian exchange.

Screen Shot 2019-07-09 at 7.27.38 PM.png

Tweet 2:

~~~ embed:1148586608335020032 Please like and retweet this with a comment requesting CoinDCX to add a STEEM/USDT and STEEM/BTC pairs and post a screenshot in the comments below on this blog. twitter metadata:U3RlZW1OZXR3b3JrfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL1N0ZWVtTmV0d29yay9zdGF0dXMvMTE0ODU4NjYwODMzNTAyMDAzMiBQbGVhc2UgbGlrZSBhbmQgcmV0d2VldCB0aGlzIHdpdGggYSBjb21tZW50IHJlcXVlc3RpbmcgQ29pbkRDWCB0byBhZGQgYSBTVEVFTS9VU0RUIGFuZCBTVEVFTS9CVEMgcGFpcnMgYW5kIHBvc3QgYSBzY3JlZW5zaG90IGluIHRoZSBjb21tZW50cyBiZWxvdyBvbiB0aGlzIGJsb2cufA== ~~~

Screen Shot 2019-07-09 at 7.28.08 PM.png

I will upvote comments of those who do both the things.

If trading volumes pick up on these two exchanges, eventually it will get noticed by people in crypto groups in India and maybe rekindle their interest in trading STEEM! We could certainly use a greater number of Steem traders!

It's time we start doing our bit on popularising Steem!

Let's do this!

If you like my work kindly resteem it to your friends. You may also continue reading my recent posts which might interest you:

  1. Why You Should Vote For Firepower As Witness—Witness Campaign Post From India!
  2. Steem.Chat Contest #86

Follow Me: @firepower


Tweet 2:-

PS:- I am sorry I don't know how to make multi-photo comments on partiko ....

Posted using Partiko Android

No need to be sorry. This is fine. :) I'm glad you did it. Will be upvoting later when more comments pour in. :) Cheers.


Posted using Partiko Android

Here is the other one

Posted using Partiko Android

Have done bro! I'm a wazirx user from past two weeks. It is a good news that they have added steem there.

Screenshot from 2019-07-09 20-13-25.png

Screenshot from 2019-07-09 20-20-13.png

I have done both. I am Wazirx user from the beginning and this listing is fantastic. Thanks. Hope CoinDCX also follow the wazirx and list our steem.

Screen Shot 2019-07-09 at 10.06.55 PM.png

Screen Shot 2019-07-09 at 10.06.44 PM.png

Done! ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

This is amazing. Thanks for the info @firepower. Done!

I have done both. This is really great information.

That's great knock

Posted using Partiko Android

good action, retweeted both, upvote not needed :-)

Posted using Partiko Android

Resteemed proudly

Posted using Partiko Android

That's some really Good news :D i was really waiting for the Wazixr to include. You made my sunday morning more happy with this new. Thanks @firepower for keeping Indian community updated and interesting.