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RE: Steem ranks as second best blockchain in the world according to Chinese Government!

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Agree. If you go down the list, so much of the market share is things trying to be a better Ethereum or forks of Bitcoin (or things that work the same as Bitcoin like Litecoin). There's no point to most of it.

I could easily be missing one or two because I don't know what they are, but within the top 30 it seems like really only Bitcoin/Ethereum/Monero/Steem have a point to them, like you could weed the top 30 down to the top 4.

Neat that China gave a shoutout to Steem. But loll that Bitcoin would be that low, below the likes of Lisk and Komodo and Stratis and Cardano, lol that's cute.

Edit: Kind of want to add that I'm not trying to single out Lisk/Komodo/etc as being any more bad than the other ones on the list. Just kind of randomly picking those examples, all of them are ridiculous to put ahead of BTC.