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RE: Are the selfless delaying the inevitable/essential?

in #steem6 years ago

I'm hopeful that we don't need everyone, just the usual 10% that normally affect change. I think that means roughly 6,000 give or take, of the daily active users (although, we might actually get away with a smaller number).

The sad thing is, our solution takes time. It's not going to happen in a week or in a month or maybe even in a year. And in the meantime, there will be other users showing up like grumpycat or haejin or take your pick that will throw things for a loop, plus there will be HF 20 (Velocity) which is supposed to turn on the floodgates, along with the SMTs and the community and the hivemind, all that's been talked about dropping this year.

People don't seem to move until someone is actually taking their stuff, not just threatening to do it. In the case of Haejin, he's been flagged now for over 8 weeks, but it took months of this for anyone to move, and with the rise of STEEM, he's back to well over 1% of the reward pool again, and he's on the verge of breaking a 79 reputation ranking to boot, with over 29,000 followers/bots/duplicate accounts.

I'm the hold the line advocate. But even I know there won't be much to hold onto if something's not done by someone. And the only ones any one of us can potentially rely on with any great certainty are ourselves.

Will we be enough?