
Ruby Rankings 2017/2018

  • TIOBE -- 12th (up one position from 2017)
  • RedMonk -- 8th (down one position from 2017)
  • PYPL -- 11th (could not locate last year's data)
  • IEEE Spectrum -- 12th (2017 data)
  • Ben Frederickson's Ranking Programming Langues by GitHub Users (listed as language to "maybe avoid" learning in 2018)
  • @inertia -- (maybe 3rd)


I was just curious if I should once again think about not learning Ruby instead of not learning Python. In the end though I think your Ruby skills are boss, and everything you contribute to Steemit via Ruby dev is fantastic. You make a great case for that.

Yeah, ranking languages is a dangerous activity. Just saying it's third is overstating it. I'd have to qualify a bunch of things first, like, in a list of managed languages, where the developers are involved in startups ...

You are always kindness person, best regards friend @inertia !!