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RE: Steemjet World Cup – Day 16 – It’s not the self-vote that makes you evil, it’s how you spend your reward

in #steem6 years ago

Good afternoon master @dimimp and all the great community of @steemjet, the subject that deals in this opportunity opens a great debate on the administration of the delegation of power and the work of the members of the SPACE FORCE, in particular I belong to the SPACE FORCE 7, and I am very happy to be having this chance, I am one of those people who fully trust in the steem stability in the long term and that better times will come with this era ...

I have had the question all this time that if the members of SPACE FORCE are employees of the community and we invest our time for voting and explaining STEEMJET to new members, like @rosetargaryen, which is one of those news from the community; We were going to have some monthly payment in steem for this job or any other assigned by the boss @dimimp, I'm willing to such a dynamic ... really when the space force was announced and @dimimp talked about contracts and all that, I saw that clear possibility of having an important income through a good job. In my case Steemit has become my only efficient space for a good economic opportunity amid so much bankruptcy that I live, every day my situation becomes more critical.

I think that this can guarantee more the use of delegations for the votes of the members of the community and that a solid and productive growth is going on as a whole.