Journey to 100k Steem Power πŸŽ‰ 1000 Followers! πŸŽ‰ Giveaway Coming Soon - Thank You For Your Support!

in #steem β€’ 6 years ago

Hey Everyone! Today was an amazing day! I got to see SpaceX's Falcon Heavy and I also hit a huge milestone - 1,000 followers on my favorite social media platform! I really appreciate all of your support, I couldn't do this without all of you and I look forward to seeing us crush our next milestones together!

My vested Steem Power is also up 4% in the past 2 days. I'm shooting for 3k by the end of the week!

I hope I can inspire some of you to make some audacious goals of your own for your life & Steem adventures and I also hope you share your progress with me! Remember: sharing your goals and progress in the comments will get you some upvotes!! Please also leave your thoughts on your fellow Steemians' goals, the community engagement is what will keep us accountable as well as grow on Steem! Let's get on the ship together my friends πŸš€πŸŒ•

Steem Power Goals

By the end of 2018, I will power up 100k STEEM. Previous Snapshot (2/5/18):

By the end of 2018, I will power up 100k STEEM. Current Snapshot:

Steem Follower Goals

By the end of 2018, I will have 15,000 followers on Steemit. Previous Snapshot (2/5/18):

By the end of 2018, I will have 15,000 followers on Steemit. Current Progress:

Real Estate Project Goals

Last year, I completed 2 real estate projects. This year I'm hoping to triple that and complete 6 projects and share them with all of you! My ability to do so many more projects this year is due, in large part, to my success in cryptocurrencies and on Steemit. Thank you all for your continued support and I hope to find ways to get you all involved in the process of real estate design, investing, etc.!!!

By the end of 2018, I will start & share 6 new real estate projects:

Here's the Question of The Day, don't forget to post your answers in the comments!

What do you think I should do as some sort of 1000 follower event/giveaway? Do you guys have any suggestions?

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to leave your thoughts below and I look forward to seeing you in the comments!


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You're about 2% of the way on your goals. I think it is highly likely that you will reach them given as you grow it is easy to grow faster. What are your other real estate projects? I'm a realtor so I love talking about this :)! My steem goals are about 1/20 of your goals. I need to start writing better blogs.

Hey @jason7282! Thanks for your support and kind words! I've got The Brunner Project going right now and then we just broke ground on my second project of the year: The Norfolk Project - which I'll be posting about very soon! That's great to hear!! Are you planning on posting about your real estate endeavors? Would love to hear about them! Also, what are your goals for 2018, would love to hear those as well! Thanks!

I'm thinking about posting some numbers but I don't know if the market here is right but I'll give it a shot for sure. Maybe put some radio info or script info so it can help some people. I'll definitely post some in the near future. I look forward to seeing the Norfolk Project best of luck to you! You gained new follower :)

Nice achievements and great progress here on steemit! Hopefully you'll achieve the goals you've set to yourself by the end of the year!
As for the giveaway, I don't know, maybe 100% full upvotes on posts or comments? But whatever you come up with will be great :P

Thanks @trendo! I appreciate your support! I'm moving fast towards those goals and I'm planning on ramping it up in the weeks to come!

That's a good idea, I'm thinking about upvotes, but they can kind of be boring if you know what I mean.. I was thinking of a more physical giveaway.. Something tangible. Have any ideas on that?

Hmm if physical giveaway is what you're looking for, then the only idea I came up with right now is steem gift cards.
You can check this web:

That's a very interesting idea, thanks for the suggestion, I'll have to look into that a bit more.

Good luck to you!

Congratulations on your 1k milestone!

How about a giveaway of 100 SmartCash or asteempower delegation one 1k for a week?

best wishes for your can organize crypto price guessing contest...for give aways make an awesome post.....i am energized and awed to see your post..... I sitting tight for your next post....i wish for your good luck sibling

congratulations on the achievement of your milestone that mecapai 1000 today @khaleelkazi I am happy to be able to comment because you are a generous person in sharing shering. hope his future is more advanced ... triumphant

Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Thanks for keeping us posted with your goals.

I lost my rhythm a little but I'm getting back to post one poem a day and meet one person in the introduce tag. I also made two great followers who support me doing so.

I have a new goal to add an original painting in my posts at least once a week. And post comments in Korean (third language) once a day.

Each follower is really important. And loyal followers are precious like gold. What do you think about asking your followers to choose the top 3 @khaleelkazi posts and tell one thing they learned from each post? You can give three big prizes to the most impressive and one smaller prize to everyone who participates.

The big prize you can upvote and feature one of the follower's post.
Small prize is to upvote any comment that has a link to three of your articles.

For physical giveaway try silver. People make silver stem coins here. Huge popularity.

Of course digitally you can help fill a crytpo wallet of your favorite alt. create a great post.....i am excited and impressed to see your post..... i waiting for your next post....i wish for your best of luck brother

Heeey congratulations πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‡πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ‘

When will I attain half of your feat in SP? Gosh. I am weak now. πŸ™ˆ

I hope this is strongerπŸ™†β€β™€οΈπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‡

all the best

I admire you too for your ambition.

You can delegate some SP as giveaway for the 1000 followership.

Congratulations I hope you read beter πŸ‘πŸŽ‡

I have the goal of building my followership with interactions with fellow steemians thru my comments.
Sometimes I wish to make a post, but I get discouraged about the views and contributions on the post.

well information in bitcoin keep it up ...... thanks for shareing

Thanks for information of bitcoin, great post and sharing

What do you suggest I do to improve @khaleelkazi

well post.thanks for information, it is helpfull post....

I am already inspired by your goals. I had to make more time for myself engaging with other Steemians on discord. I used to procrastinate a lot but am starting to cut down some excesses to allow me focus. Am pretty sure I'll celebrate my one month on Steemit with a reputation of 50. Lets watch out and see.

And thanks for the link to spacex webcast. Was awesome watching history being redefined.

In my opinion, you created the contest to all your followers and gifts make the winner be steem or SBD

Yes I do have a suggestion, you can host a contest and ask your followers to write an essay, describing their steemit goals and how they intend to achieve them, If you need a guest judge I can volunteer, this will facilitate who goes home with your giveaway

Your goals are inspiring I'm miles away from even the smallest of it

Amazing buddy, this is amazing

heartiest congratulation dear, you are motivational person for all

Congratulations and good luck for your successful journey on Steemit!

First of all congratulations for the completion of milestone of 1000 followers. If you want to ask about my goals then it would be simple that, i am striving hard to produce short post but effective one, i joined Steemit Platform 3 and half months back and before joining the Steemit platform i was searching for the opportunities for online work because at that time I resigned by Job to take care of my family, so after some deep research i introduced with this amazing platform, so i have not earned much but i had an amazing journey and learned so much from fellow Steemians. My advice to new Steemians is, be truthful towards your work and encourage everyone who are genuinely doing the hard work. Thanks for sharing this post with us and also you encouraged to share my experiences.

Stay Blessed.

The greatness of great people can be measured by the number he is making to become great like him.

Help the new comers to attain to the height you have attained today by doing some give away to them. I don't mind if am the last number on the list of give away πŸ˜‚

wish you the best :)
I'm sure you going to achieve your goals!!!
stay focused

Looks like you are on the right foot here friend. I wish you all the besr of luck in this endevour.

You did a great job. Congratulations.

Congratulation! Best of the Best!

Man you’re growing at such a speedy pace. Not sure how I can keep up but I’m really happy for ya πŸ™ŒπŸ»

A giveaway event would be cool. A 100% upvote for someone maybe. Or a post on your favorite followers? Could help them get exposure. Just some suggestions 😊

SpaceX's Falcon Heavy

I watched it too, Elon Musk is my role model, that dude is so awesome!!!!

What do you think I should do as some sort of 1000 follower event/giveaway? Do you guys have any suggestions?

Maybe do a giveaway where we choose numbers and the the top 5 who get close to that number get 5,4,3,2,1 ... SBD (you can also do top 10, but i don't know if you have enough SBD for that xD)
Or you can go the 100% Voting power way...
To make it more fun and physical you can give away some steem cards and some steem acessories, like hats or something like that...

You're killing it! I just did my progress post! I'm getting there :)

Now I just need to find some more time to dedicate to improving my page and posts.

Thanks for being an inspiration

There really is no stopping you, even when the markets are down!

I could not do it. Can you help me?

A HUGE WELL DESERVED CONGRATULATIONS MY FRIEND! I am BEYOND happy for you! Upvotes on comments would be more than appreciated! A minnow like myself more than appreciates any upvote and follower! CONGRATS AGAIN! All the best! Positive Energy! Great Karma! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

First of all Congratulations to you on surpassing your first big milestone in the fabulous journey and you have really gave me a positive energy vibes and inspiration from this post time to achieve Big goals but in simple steps the journey is on All the best to you keep inspiring and steem on :)
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