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RE: How to Save Steem

in #steem4 years ago

only a fool would follow someone like you.

what do you offer?

your own version of censorship.

and you tell folks you hate to kill themselves.. and chase them away.

anyone have any idea how many folks he has chased off?

because i keep meeting them outside steemit..

they hate berniesanders because he made this place unprofitable and unfun..

and he literally told them to kill themselves.

so he did LITERALLY everything to ruin other people..

and now you folks are like..


be careful who you follow.. make sure you know where they are going.


He is what he is -- likely a psychopath, at the very least a narcissist. But he has a lot of people lining up to suck his dick cuz he has some scratch... I'd rather scratch my balls, thank you.