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RE: Is the Steem social contract being abused? Steem funds are to be used to sponsor unrelated projects.

in #steem9 years ago

How do the people who state outright that they are using the earnings from their posts on steemit to fund a vacation (or anything else) contribute to the development of steem any more than jonnybitcoin? Your logic is flawed.


I personally believe that communities are SUPPOSED to garner support from all members of steemit if possible. It makes sense that they would approach the largest bagholders (who locked away their bags for a long time for the super power of being able to give others funding) first.

I upvote quality content that helps gridcoin's community, peercoin's community, ethereum's community, dashes, community...and the list goes on and on. I think this is precisely the kind of stuff steemit exists for! How many times have we not been able to pay others to help us? Now all we need to do is upvote them!

I think my logic is sound. People who post to fund their vacations share their stories. They don't come and say: "I want to go to X, please give me the money". They take the money but give us their stories in return.

Similarly, we don't see short posts like "I need a new car, please upvote" gaining any support. If they did get support we would think something is really wrong with Steem.

Imagine this: a Bittrex (or Poloniex) shareholder makes a short post similar to @jonnybitcoin's to get funds for Bittrex/Poloniex campaign on Facebook. And he gets upvotes from whales who we know for sure are significant Bittrex/Poloniex shareholders. Is it OK? Wouldn't you think there is a clear conflict of interest taking place.

Or imagine this: I create a BitShares worker proposal to fund Steem banner campaign on Facebook. And the proposal goes through becasue it gets support from BitShares whales who are also Steem shareholders. What does @jonnybitcoin do when he realizes what's going on?

  • A: he does nothing, he just accepts the fact as part of BitShares protocol
  • B: he raises the issue on BitShares forum and argues it's an abuse and tries to convince people to vote against the proposal

EDIT: I guess the moral from this incident is this: if @jonnybitcoin had heeded to my pleas to add a disclaimer about funds originating from Steem, he would have gotten significantly more funds (as he would not have gotten the downvotes - at least not from me). Both communities would benefit.

As it is now, he got less funds and there will be no publicity for Steem. Both communities lose out as a result.

The example you use is very improbable. Bitshares whales would be unlikely to fund steem ads on fb.
But as shown steem whales are happy to fund bitshares ads because alot of those steem whales are also BTS whales. The difference I think is because steem rewards would have gone to another post if not mine. Where as in bitshares rewards only go to those actively chosen.